Carstens Elementary School Dr. Theresa Mattison NAESP’S 89th Annual Convention & Exposition Sunday, April 11, :00 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. A Climate & Culture of Shared Leadership “Everyone Has Something To Offer”
About Us A Beacon of Light in Our Neighborhood
Leading Learning Communities Create a culture of continuous learning for adults tied to student learning and other goals Standard 4
ISLLC Standard 2 A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. Last update November 2009
Outcome To understand how Shared Leadership plays a role in shaping a school’s climate and culture in order to help all children reach their highest potential.
School Culture Define School Climate Interconnected InterrelatedInterchangeably
Research tells us how students and staff members feel about their school is climate and how they feel the way they do is determined by the culture. Del Stover State of Michigan School Improvement Framework Climate vs. Culture
Stormy Weather
Students… How do they feel ?
“I’ve Got Sunshine…”
Parents… Perception
Is It Raining on Your Parade?
Teachers … Why do they feel this way?
How you would describe your school’s climate and culture? What images do you see? How do stakeholders feel? Think About It
Low Teacher Expectations Ineffective Instruction Declining Test Scores Lack of Parental Involvement I Experienced
Children are First Everyone must be held Accountable Data Based Decisions Inform Instruction Involved Parents Improve Student Achievement Beliefs
Shared Leadership State of Michigan School Improvement Framework Standard 2: Shared Leadership Learning Focused Data Driven Collaborative Decision Making Accountability Collective Responsibility for Student Learning
Comer The Comer School Process set the stage for establishing a school climate and culture of collaboration, consensus, and no fault at Carstens.
Learning Focused Collaboration: Working Together
Strategies Effective Schools… Use Grade Level Meetings for curriculum alignment Common Preparation Periods for Content Area Meeting Use professional development for collaborative inquiry
Data Driven Consensus Decision: What is Best for Students
Strategies Effective Schools… Provide teachers with ongoing training to effectively manage data Set school goals based on school data Use Consensus to agree on what data is needed to improve student achievement
Everyone is Accountable No Fault: Focus on the problem-solving
Strategies Effective Schools….. Safe and Orderly Use Best Practices Create a learning environment conducive to effect teaching and learning
Refocus: The School’s Climate and Culture Raise Teacher Expectations: Educate Children as if They are Your Own Professional Development: Training & More Training Instill School Pride: Citizenship and Responsibility Encouraged Parent Accountability: Education is Not an Option! Transformation
A Beehive of Activity Carstens School
Pancake Breakfast Congratulations! Mr. President
Mobile Dentist
Michigan Humane Society Somebody Needs You
Cirque Amongus
Mayor Dave Bing Role Model & Mentor
A Community Event
Building Relationships
Reflection 1.List the school activities and programs that reflect your school’s climate and culture. 2.How do these programs set the school’s climate? 3.What is the impact on the school’s culture?
Slogans, Mottos and Signs…Oh My! How is your building reflective of your schools’ climate and culture? What signs do you see? Try this! 1.Assess your buildings climate and Create a Photo Show 3.Share with staff
Dr. James Comer “Nothing is more important to success than the quality of relationships between and among students, staff and parents.”
Coming Soon A Motor City Miracle: A Conversation with the Carstens Elementary School Community
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