Greenfield Church was formed when Urmston Baptist Church and Urmston Congregational Church joined together. GREENFIELDGREENFIELD
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD That was 1976 with a new Worship Centre opening in 1980
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD Greenfield Church is a friendly community in the centre of Urmston dedicated to the glory of God.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD We’re a small but dedicated group of worshippers....
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD..With Gareth, church administrator and pianist, providing the music..
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD... Ray on the sound system…... Ray on the sound system…
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD...and Stephen preaching and leading Worship.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD We are committed to serving the community in which God has placed us.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD Next door to Urmston Market, we provide warmth and fellowship....
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD..through our Market Cafe for shoppers and stallholders alike...
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD …and when he visits home, Matthew Kelly, a café regular.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD It’s staffed by volunteer members of the congregation.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD As too is our monthly luncheon club.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD Through the Market Cafe we’ve forged links with the neighbouring nursing home....
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD..who joined us for our Whitsunday service when we released balloons, symbols of The Holy Spirit, each with a personal message attached.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD They join us too for our barbecue. Popular with neighbours and congregation alike.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD We believe in working with the other churches in Urmston, sharing worship…
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD.. Singing carols for Christian Aid at Christmas in Sainsbury’s..
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD … or challenging celebrity antiques expert, Adam Partridge, to value our antiques for Christian Aid.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD Local community groups looked for volunteers and new members at our volunteer fair.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD There’s always something happening at Greenfield. Reported on our events board.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD The Acorn Club for 8’s to 12 year olds meets on a Friday.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD As does the senior group – ‘The After Eights’.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD The Junior Church carry on a proud tradition...
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD... and turn the tables by teaching the congregation how to celebrate ‘Messy Church’.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD During the summer there’s a monthly mid-week communion service..
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD..there’s a prayer meeting on the second Sunday of every month… Try Praying It’s a mad idea but it might just work
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD … and regular study sessions with Christianity Explored.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD 4 th Urmston Guides and 4 th Urmston Rainbows are officially affiliated to Greenfield Church. They take part in special services, in youth activities and charity projects organised by the church.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD There are sponsored walks. Fund raising for our Harvest Project.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD.. Food for Barnabus at Christmas
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD for our former Link Missionary working in Nepal for our former Link Missionary working in Nepal...
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD … or supporting our current missionary Fiona Stewart
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD We welcome local school children, learning about their neighbourhood.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD Who also join us for carols by candlelight and the Christingle Service
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD We invite local teachers and head teachers to celebrate ‘Education Sunday’ with us …
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD … tell us something about their school …
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD … and supported by our local MP, Kate Green.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD Families and their children for christenings and dedications.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD Believers seeking Baptism.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD Or those joining by profession of faith or transfer.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD There’s a wonderful sense of fellowship at Greenfield whether it’s at the Men’s Curry Club..
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD …The men’s Big Breakfast.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD...The Ladies Dining Club...
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD... To Howarth at Christmas...
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD..or Christmas dinner at a local hostelry
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD Easter is when we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and …..
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD …. ‘Green’ the cross.
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD …. ‘Harvest Festival’ always means plenty of flowers, fruit and veg…
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD …. Flowers only though at our ‘Flower Festival’ …
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD …. Supported by local churches and the Mayor of Trafford
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD Whether you come as a visitor or regular worshipper you’re sure of a warm welcome from Stephen our minister…
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD..Maureen, deacon and children’s advocate ….
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD … Ralph, pulpit secretary ….
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD … Barbara, deacon and Junior Church teacher ….
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD … Andy, Church treasurer and handyman ….
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD … Ann, Deacon and Junior Church teacher ….
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD … Barbara, Deacon and Head Gardener ….
GREENFIELDGREENFIELD … All our congregation …in fact everyone at Greenfield Church is waiting to welcome you ….