Science in Action
SOCIETY Scientific results influence society SOCIETY Scientific results influence society TRUST RESEARCH COMMUNITY New research is based on previous results RESEARCH COMMUNITY New research is based on previous results YOU Enables research
SOCIETY Scientific results influence society SOCIETY Scientific results influence society TRUST RESEARCH COMMUNITY New research is based on previous results RESEARCH COMMUNITY New research is based on previous results YOU Comes with responsability
Enhance awareness of the moral challenges faced by a scientist today Introduce ideas related to good scientific practice and ethical behaviour in science Aims…
Blended learning course: -Online: -Epigeum course on Research Integrity -Readings, activities on Moodle -Seminars Science in Action
Moodle Aula Global - Moodle
Epigeum course UPF Token number
Epigeum course
You attend FOUR of the SIX topics offered: Seminar 1: Scientific Integrity (compulsory) Seminar 2: Data Management Seminar 3: Animal Research Seminar 4: Human Research Seminar 5: Conflict of Interest Seminar 6: Practice & Politics of Publication (compulsory) Seminars
Registration to seminars:
Limited number of places per seminar – Register early if you want to ensure a place! Work on the sections of Epigeum course and other materials on Moodle before attending to each seminar. Seminars
1.Check your access to Moodle 2.Check your is linked to your address 1.Download the course instructions from Moodle 2.Register online for your 4 seminars via link on Moodle or at 3.Start work on Epigeum course and other materials on Moodle 4.Complete specific sections on Epigeum course and other materials on Moodle before you attend your 1st seminar! What you need to do now: 20th OCT
MOODLE 20 th October For any questions please contact Ero Jiménez or Maruxa Martínez