High Quality Translation and / or Interpretation Services for HR or Other Business-Related Content in Over 80 Languages HR Specialty Products & Services Catalogue Executive Summary A No Frills Distillation of Vendor’s Marketing Collateral Thomas A Ference President & CEO Human Resources Mining & Distribution Co Locating, Validating and Accelerating HR Innovation Office: Cell: Fax: Website:
HR (or Other Business ) Translation Services Global employers or local country employers with multilingual employees will want to have translated all or perhaps just select HR-related content. This 25+ years-in-the-business, award-winning professional services provider assigns a project team of highly experienced /certified translators / grammatacists who follow a rigorous multi-step, quality-assurance process. Examples include websites, benefit plans, employment contracts, vendor agreements, PowerPoint presentations, employee assessment instruments, union contracts, company brochures, training programs, online HR forms, stock option plans, etc., Helps assure compliance with company policy and procedure, provides an understanding of total rewards and minimizes workplace risks… especially for limited –English employees.
HR (Or Other Business ) Interpretation Services The employer may have circumstances such as meetings, dinners, webcasts, depositions, etc. wherein multiple languages are either needed or would greatly increase the effectiveness of the communication. Here, interpreters get matched to the subject matter at hand plus the languages of the meeting. Can work either: - consecutively (i.e. speaker speaks, then interpreter translates orally) or -simultaneously (where an equipment-supported interpreter translates orally while the speaker speaks)
80 World Languages – Some Examples Common Italian French (Canadian or European) German (+ Austrian and Swiss) Spanish (Castilian / European, US, Mexican, General Latin American, Argentine, or other country) Portuguese (Brazilian or Continental / European) Russian Chinese (Simplified for China or Traditional for Taiwan, Hong Kong and overseas) Japanese and Korean. Less Common Icelandic Setswana Mongolian Bengali Bulgarian Khmer Catalan Estonian Persian Fijian Finnish Kanada Etc.
Client Testimonial “We contracted with this professional services provider to translate, lay out and print three HR-Related Posters in six Asian languages— Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Tagalog, Vietnamese and Thai. These were for the US Department of YYYY which includes the Pacific Trust Territories. These Asian versions were so well received that we asked this firm to produce two more reprints over the next five years and expand the scope on one to cover Bengali. The Washington office was so impressed that these posters were shown to the President at the White House. We would naturally trust this firm with any future projects to do translations, layouts and printing of whatever we need.” Dept. YYYY Asst. Regional Administrator for Voluntary Programs and Outreach
Next Steps This product/service is contained in the HR Specialty Products & Services Catalogue™ Operational level details about this particular service provider can be obtained in conference with the vendor The HR Mining &Distribution Co. is an independent and contracted representative of the vendor Upon your request, we will arrange for an introduction that can range from a simple, quick conference call to a services overview / system demo Tom Ference (Chicagoland area) or Thank you for your potential interest in this fresh thinking.