What is Physical Therapy? Is a discipline of medicine that is used to help patients improve function, increase mobility, prevent/reduce pain, and prevent/limit permanent physical disabilities. Physical therapists work closely with patients to promote and improve fitness to promote a healthy lifestyle. Physical therapy is used by patients who have suffered an injury, debilitating disease, declining physical health and post surgery recovery.
Concentrations of Physical Therapy Cardiovascular/Pulmonary Clinical Electrophysiology Geriatrics Neurology Orthopedics Pediatrics Sports
Physical Therapy Settings Hospitals Outpatient clinics Private Offices Home Health Agency Schools Sport/Fitness Facilities Work Settings
T.E.A.M. Physical Therapy &Rehabilitation Out Patient Private Clinic Owned by Charles Sacco PT Graduated Neumann College with a masters degree. Therapist of 20 years. Sacco has one therapist working for him. His goal is to provide quality care, get patients to a baseline lifestyle, maintain it, and to educate patients.
Sacco’s Journey Got interested in PT when he sustained an upper fracture to his humorous while in High School. He received free PT care in Hammonton. While applying for PT school he was put on a year wait list. He worked as a PT aid during his time off. His advice to students is to work in different disciplines of PT not just out patient. After graduating he was hired immediately by Pat Croche PT in Turnersville, where he was an aid.
Sacco’s Journey Cont. After 13 years he opened his own clinic in Berlin, NJ The hardest part of opening his clinic was obtaining the permits for insurance companies. Clinic has been established for 7 years. Chose his location because of the high traffic area, ability to lease the front office and he was introduced to the location by a retaliator friend of his. He has one therapist working for him and always has one PT aid on duty at all times. Limit of four patients an hour for more one on one
Sacco’s Journey Cont. He likes to maintain a friendly, family oriented clinic while being hands on with patients. His ultimate goal is to open two more clinics. When hiring staff he looks for a good personality, strong work ethic and experience.
Sacco’s Insight Biggest job duties are evaluations, treating symptoms, educating, marketing and finances. He believes that certifications are not necessary but they can be beneficial. Recent changes in health care are making co pays higher and driving some patients away. Out of school a PT can expect to make about $52,000 for the year but this varies drastically. His biggest challenges are keeping the practice running, finances and practicing at the same time.
Inside the Clinic
Is Physical Therapy for Me? What I like. Yes, I can see myself working as a Physical Therapist working with patients to obtain and maintain top physical health. I can see myself working in a Private clinic in a one on one environment. I would pursue different certifications. The job growth in the field of PT is growing. The pay for PT is good and would allow me to support a family.
Is Physical Therapy for Me? I don’t like. I don’t like how health care is creating new barriers for people that need PT. I don’t like the acceptance rate of schools with some accepting out of applicants per year. Physical therapy now requires a Doctorate degree usually years after achieving a bachelors degree.
Things to Do. Working as an aid has help me experience what it is like to work and be in a PT clinic. Work in different environments. Apply to a variety of school don’t limit it to one or two. Working as an aid can help get a job upon graduation. Study for the GRE examination. Maintain a high GPA
Sources team-pt-physical-therapy.htm team-pt-physical-therapy.htm cal_Therapist cal_Therapist