Coordination of Anti-Trafficking Responses and cooperation with Civil Society in Germany The Federal Working Group: Trafficking in Persons
Issues to be covered l The Federal System l The role of the Federal Government l The role of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth l The Federal Working Group Trafficking in Persons l Civil Society – KOK e.V. l The Telephone Helpline “Violence against Women” l Challenges for the future
The Federal System 16 Länder Länder are responsible for e.g. Police Provision of support system Administration of social law, residence law Courts (prosecution, judges) Federal Government cannot fulfill these tasks (German Constitution) © by Stefan-Xp wiki/File:Deutschlandkarte_(Bunt).svg
The role of the Federal Government l Legislative initiatives (Federal law breaks Länder law) in the areas of legislative competence defined in the constitution, e.g. –Penal law –Migration law –Labour law l The Federal Government is therefore responsible for setting the legal framework
The role of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth Coordinating Ministry on the Federal Level for anti- trafficking policy measures Manager of the Federal Working Group “Trafficking in Persons” Responsible for support system to extent of federal competence, e.g... Responsible for measures to fight violence against women Action Plan II of the Federal Government to combat violence against women, which includes measures against trafficking in women Action Plans in the area of combatting sexual exploitation of children
Members of The Federal Working Group: Trafficking in Persons (founded in 1997) Federal Ministries and Offices Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (manager) Interior Justice Foreign Affairs Economic Cooperation and Development Labour and Social Affairs Federal Criminal Police Technical conferences of the Länder Ministries of Interior Labour and social affairs Justice Gender Equality Civil Society KOK e.V. (German NGO network against trafficking in women and violence against migrant women) German Institute for Human Rights Co-ordination group of the German Welfare Organisations represented by the Diakonische Werk
Tasks of the Federal Working Group Trafficking in Women continuous exchange of information on the numerous activities going on in the Federal Laender and in the national and international bodies, analysis of the concrete problems in combating trafficking in women, elaboration of recommendations and, if appropriate, joint campaigns to combat trafficking.
The BKA (Federal Criminal Police) Annual Situation Report Trafficking in Persons (since 1994): A major source of information on trends Purpose Provide a compact summary of current information on and developments within the field of human trafficking Enable police and political decision makers to assess the threat and changing patterns in trafficking in human beings Thus enable decision makers to base policies on facts and focus on urgent necessities Methodology based on the offences in the German Criminal Code Sections relevant are: § 232 StGB Trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation § 233 StGB Trafficking for the purpose of exploitation of labor Since 2005 report draws exclusively on concluded investigations
German nationwide activist coordination group combatting trafficking in women and violence against women in the process of migration German NGO network and coordination office against trafficking in human beings 37 member organizations (representing all service providing organizations in Germany in the area of trafficking in persons) A unique network representing a broad variety of different groups, including faith-based organizations and sex workers rights groups KOK transforms the experiences from grass root counselling centers into political strategies Informs policy makers, scientists, civil society, governmental and intergovernmental stakeholders on the complexity of anti- trafficking policies and guarantees knowledge transfers at different levels Funded by the Federal Government to have one partner to interact on the NGO side and get independent specialist knowledge from the practical field
support for all forms of gender based violence 24/7 free of charge confidential & anonymously specialized female staff accessible to people with disabilities and use of interpreters Start: March 6 th Violence Against Women Support Hotline
Challenges in the future l Continuously check whether the system fulfills the requirements of the EU Anti Trafficking Directive 36/2011 l Continuously check whether the actors in the field of trafficking change – new partners needed?
Thank you very much for your attention Any questions? Dr. Birgit Schweikert Head of division403 „Protecting Women from violence “ Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth Glinkastr. 24 D Berlin Nicole Zündorf-Hinte