1 Chief Executive UK CAA Andrew Haines
2 Agenda Where business aviation fits in the regulatory world Particularly in respect of Part NCC And what opportunities we have to read across the changes we’re making to how we regulate recreational aviation
33 Where does business aviation fit? Business aviation could be split many ways: Air taxi Company aircraft Full AOC… And that makes it difficult to make safety and regulatory decisions – we want simple uniform regulation – but difficult for such a wide ranging area
44 Part NCC Comes into effect in August 2016 Applies to all non commercial operations with complex aircraft undertaken by an operator established or residing in the EC But: What is a business flight? When are you an operator? When is a flight commercial or not? – even if it’s the same aircraft being used it can change on a flight by flight basis If the crew are directly employed by the owner of the aircraft does that make a difference?
55 Part NCC – initial thoughts Please don’t take this as our final word but…. It may be that for smaller air taxi outfits a full AOC is too high a bar But a biz jet operator offering air taxi flights might well be worthy of a full AOC Value your input on transition
66 Changes to recreational GA New approach based around acknowledgement and acceptance of risk by those taking part in the activity But an absolute aim of still protecting non-participant third parties We’ve put in place a set of simple, top level principles that we intend to apply to recreational GA: Only regulate directly when necessary and do so proportionately Deregulate where we can Delegate where appropriate Do not gold-plate, and quickly and efficiently remove gold- plating that already exists Help create a vibrant and dynamic GA sector in the UK.
77 Policy framework New GA policy framework which seeks to be a robust, evidence based process to evaluate policy decisions. framework is a series of questions that any proposal is run through to ensure that we are consistent in how we make decisions If you think a similar framework would add benefit in your area of GA we could investigate whether something similar could be introduced to cover business aviation
88 Business aviation regulation Where uninformed third parties are involved then we absolutely must protect them – e.g. fare paying passengers business aviation uses larger aircraft that have more impact on the overflown But there are examples of change that has worked well with recreational aviation that we can absolutely look at for the business market.
99 CASE and self accreditation Could work with CASE in the way we devolve tasks to recreational organisations like the LAA CASE now has 40 companies signed up from across business aviation so has considerable influence Example could be to let CASE lead on ground handling audits and then look at other areas of devolution
10 Government and GA Red Tape challenge has alerted Government to GA in all forms New Government GA policy has wins for business aviation as well Opportunity to strike while the iron is hot
11 Europe EASA moving to more proportionate and risk-based regulation But need encouragement to take this beyond recreational GA We can seek joint opportunities to achieve this
12 CAA upgrades Significant efficiencies and better systems Will involve changes to our people But will absolutely have the right people in the right place We will keep our ability to influence
13 Airspace Critical resource that needs modernisation But seeing more and more interest from the overflown Those seeking change must engage with all stakeholders Hear others views And be prepared to compromise where you can Or we face stagnation
14 Questions