Aspirational Teachers Programme
The handbook
Going into school Jocelyn Sumner Partnership Director
During this session…. What does learning look like? Engaging with young people’s learning Managing Behaviour (yours and theirs!!)......
What does learning look like?
What do I look like when I learn? Fiddling/doodling to concentrate Talking about the work Sitting quietly by myself Joining in with activities Sharing work in groups Participating in whole class discussions Listening carefully Competing to achieve success Questioning Learning Detectives What does learning look like?
Effective communication
Effective Communication DON’T SHOUT! Variety of loud and quiet Firm and ‘friendly’ Uphold school protocols Don’t use slang or anything that could be construed as swearing Clear and simple Body language Handwriting Smile Written information
Does the Aspirational Teacher: communicate in ways that demonstrate respect for others? demonstrate that communication is a two-way process? listen, build empathy, consult and negotiate effectively? motivate, support, challenge, and manage learners effectively in order to secure learning? use questioning effectively? demonstrate sensitivity, for example, to culture and context when communicating? communicate effectively both on a one-to-one basis and as a member of a team use effective and appropriate non-verbal communication? seek guidance and support from, and communicate positively and effectively with, colleagues and other professionals?
Feedback Written feedback Good, well done, fine, yes, thank you Peer feedback How could you…..? How do you……? Why is that such a good answer? What skills have you gained from this piece of work?
Feedback Accurate feedback, given at the right time and in a constructive and positive way, helps learners to identify what they have or have not understood, and helps them to progress Feedback should be constructive, matched to learners’ understanding and language abilities, and should engage learners in reflecting on their progress, and their own learning needs.
So what am I actually going to be doing? Engaging with young people’s learning! In small groups One to one Never alone! Subject specialisms Enterprise activity Widening participation Extra curricular HELPING OUT!!
Tasks! AEnquiry A.1Behaviour management A.3The ‘Gender Gap’ A.2ICT SurveyA.4Children with Special Needs BResources B.1Creating displaysB.2Creating new resources CObservation C.1General ObservationC.4Gender agenda C.2Classroom organisation C.5Questioning C.3DifferentiationC.6Teaching- Group work DTeaching D.1Tutoring an individual pupil D.3Whole Class Teaching D.2Teaching groupsD.4Extra-Curricular Teaching
Tasks! Widening Participation tasks Enterprise activity
Being a Professional! Create the right impression The right word at the right time Avoiding problems What should I do now?
Create the right impression! Arrive on your first day dressed ‘as if for interview’, then assess the school’s dress code for future reference Establish what time you are expected to be in school (lateness always creates a bad impression) Ensure that you have a phone number for the school so that, even on your first day, you can make contact if there is a problem with your arrival time. Ensure that you understand the school’s policy about being on-site and follow the appropriate protocol if you need to leave the school site.
The right word at the right time! No matter how annoyed you are, don’t use inappropriate language to, or in front of, a pupil, member of staff or parent. If this does happen, please be proactive in discussing it with the ITE Coordinator / ATP tutor. Never criticise a member of staff in front of pupils, parents, visitors or other colleagues. Indeed it would be better if you didn’t do it at all! Please ensure that the language, images or humour that you use do not convey prejudice or stereotypical assumptions about people.
Avoiding problems Make sure that you do not disclose any confidential information that is shared with you and that you follow the school’s code of practice on data protection, particularly with regard to storing it electronically. If you are a smoker don’t smoke on school premises nor in the vicinity, nor in any of the pupils’ ‘corners’ You may be living in the area near to your school. Please avoid potentially unprofessional/embarrassing situations by –not mentioning pupils/staff by name outside of the school grounds: no matter how ‘funny the story’, you don’t know who might be listening to your conversation –having regard to your alcohol intake if you might encounter pupils on leaving the pub –knowing what to do if you find a pupil whom you know to be ‘under-age’ in an age restricted environment Please make sure that you use the school network and internet only for school work related purposes Please ensure that if you use any social networking spaces such as Facebook that you don’t post comments about your placement, staff or pupils on it. Please bear in mind that images of yourself posted on social networks will be accessible to the pupils that you teach and any other ‘interested party’. Please make sure that you review what you have posted before you start your school based work.
What should I do now? If a parent (or pupil) is aggressive to you either in or out of school please speak immediately to your ITE Coordinator/ATP tutor (in school) and the Partnership Director ( or This is serious and should not be If you encounter discrimination of any sort against you or others, please do not ignore it. Discuss the issue with your ITE Coordinator/ATP tutor and the Partnership Director (details above) so that the issue can be appropriately addressed. If you encounter something that you consider to be a child protection issue please discuss the issue with your ITE Coordinator/ATP tutor and the Partnership Director (details above) so that the issue can be appropriately addressed.
Code of Conduct Aspirational Teachers should behave professionally at all times. Aspirational Teachers should be a positive role model to all children. Aspirational Teachers should become familiar with the ethos of the school and promote it. Aspirational Teachers should dress appropriately, turn off mobiles, attend regularly and be punctual and reliable. Aspirational Teachers should be respectful towards colleagues and pupils. Aspirational Teachers should respect confidentiality and must not gossip. Aspirational Teachers should be aware of school policies and know who the school’s Child Protection Officer is and when to refer to this person. Aspirational Teachers should understand and be committed to the aims of ATP, have read the documentation and should manage their own professional documents. Aspirational Teachers should be enthusiastic, willing to participate and actively engage in all of school life; they should take advantage of every opportunity. Aspirational Teachers should display enthusiasm for their own subject.
Managing Behaviour challengehttp:// challenge
The paperwork…..
ATP Record of Achievement and Experience Opportunity to note down what you’ve done and to reflect on what you learnt from it Professional Behaviour Induction and training The Aspirational Teacher has been introduced to: Give examples of the opportunities you had to demonstrate this and reflect on how you think you developed this skill Related QTS Standard(s) Aspirational Teachers are to learn how to behave professionally in a school setting, and to demonstrate and promote in young people positive values, attitudes and behaviour. A generic code of practice for his/her school placement, making clear how they should behave as a professional in a school and classroom context; the positive values, attitudes and behaviour that schools seek to foster in young people; Day 1S1 Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils Part 2 Uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour within and outside school....and maintain high standards in their own attendance and punctuality Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Relating to young people Induction and training The Aspirational Teacher has been introduced to: Give examples of the opportunities you had to demonstrate this and reflect on how you think you developed this skill. (You can record this daily or reflect on it at the end of the week) Related QTS Standard(s) Aspirational Teachers are to learn how they can establish fair, trusting, supportive and constructive relationships with young people in schools. Ways of promoting effective and productive adult-pupil relationships in and out of the classroom; how to respond constructively and appropriately when interacting individuals or groups. Part Treating pupils with dignity, building relationships rooted in mutual respect and at all times observing proper boundaries appropriate to a teacher’s professional position
Opportunity for school to comment on you!