World Water Forum 2009: Water and Energy Security for All: Feedback of the Sirte 2008 Conference on “Water for Agriculture and Energy: the Challenges of.


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Presentation transcript:

World Water Forum 2009: Water and Energy Security for All: Feedback of the Sirte 2008 Conference on “Water for Agriculture and Energy: the Challenges of Climate Change ” Maher Salman, Technical Officer, FAO 20 March 2008 – Istanbul, Turkey

Sirte, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya December 2008 Water for Agriculture and Energy in Africa: The Challenges of Climate Change The Challenge Africa has a vast potential for agricultural expansion and of both renewable and non-renewable energy sources however the continent is lagging behind in terms of energy and agricultural productivity, with serious implications for development and trade balance

Sirte, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya December 2008 Water for Agriculture and Energy in Africa: The Challenges of Climate Change The Projections African population reaching 2 billion people by 2030 and expected to double by 2050 Energy demand is expected to double by 2030 while the cereal bill for low income countries is expected to triple by 2030

Sirte, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya December 2008 Water for Agriculture and Energy in Africa: The Challenges of Climate Change Agriculture and food security in Africa Approximately 40% of the population of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is undernourished. Agriculture is a basis of African economy: it generates 1/3 of the GDP and employs about 70% of the work force in most countries. Source: FAOSTAT, 2003 Undernourished Population (as % of total population)

Sirte, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya December 2008 Water for Agriculture and Energy in Africa: The Challenges of Climate Change Irrigation Source: FAO, AQUASTAT, 2005 Irrigation (as % of cultivated area) Irrigation is practised on 6 % of the total cultivated area of the continent This value ranges from practically 0 in the Central African Republic to almost 100 percent in Egypt About 70 % of the total area under irrigation is found in 5 countries (South Africa, Egypt, Madagascar, Morocco and Sudan).

Sirte, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya December 2008 Water for Agriculture and Energy in Africa: The Challenges of Climate Change Irrigation Potential River basinmillion ha Congo9.8 Nile8.0 Zambezi 3.2 Niger2.8 Volta 1.5 Madagascar 1.5 Lake Chad1.2 Sub-total28.0 Other North2.2 Other West6.7 Other South2.5 Other East3.1 Sub-total14.2 AFRICA42.5 Source: FAO, AQUASTAT, 2005

Sirte, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya December 2008 Water for Agriculture and Energy in Africa: The Challenges of Climate Change The Energy Gap The electricity consumption in most of the African countries does not reach one tenth of the world average consumption. In SSA 526 million people live without access to power supply. The supply of energy is limited and unreliable. Limited coverage of public electricity grids People without electricity ( )

Hydropower Potential The hydropower potential of Africa is about 13% of the World potential Only 5% of this potential is exploited Lack of funding and international support for commercial energy projects Source: World Energy Council (WEC), 2001 Hydropower Generation by Region

Sirte, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya December 2008 Water for Agriculture and Energy in Africa: The Challenges of Climate Change The Sirte Conference: Objectives  Examined the issue of water resources in Africa in the context of higher demand from the agriculture and energy sectors and climate change.  Discussed water control projects within the framework of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP).  Examined investment needs and management problems for harnessing water and irrigation at village level, for the rehabilitation of large-scale hydro-agricultural works and for the development of major river basins. Enriched discussions held at the Committee of the Whole, the two roundtables, and the parallel events 53 National Investment Briefs About 1,000 projects reviewed (country by country, region by region for short, medium and long term) Investment needs estimated at US$ 65 billion in the span of 20 years

Sirte, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya December 2008 Water for Agriculture and Energy in Africa: The Challenges of Climate Change The Sirte Conference: Outcomes A declaration by Governments of Africa and development partners to put together an Action Plan and engage into investment programmes for water development in support of agriculture and energy at short, medium and long term National Investment Briefs (NIBs) for all African countries with estimated investment needs in water for agriculture and energy based on a review and updating of NEPAD-CAADP and other investment Projections at both country and river basin levels A follow up mechanism to monitor and evaluate the agreed Action Plan and to promote more investment programmes on water for agriculture and energy in Africa

Sirte, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya December 2008 Water for Agriculture and Energy in Africa: The Challenges of Climate Change Conference Themes and Focus FOCUS ON: Concrete Programmes and Action Plan for Assessment of their financial cost in terms of feasibility studies and implementation of works  THEME 1: Prospects for Food and Energy Demand by 2015 and Projections for  THEME 2: Defining the Investment Envelope  THEME 3: The Financing Mechanisms and Implementation Strategies

Sirte, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya December 2008 Water for Agriculture and Energy in Africa: The Challenges of Climate Change The investment Envelope for Africa - 1 1,000 projects 43% Ongoing 57% Pipeline

Sirte, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya December 2008 Water for Agriculture and Energy in Africa: The Challenges of Climate Change The Investment Envelope for Africa - 2 The Investment Envelope in terms of Project Size The Investment Envelope by Time Frame

Sirte, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya December 2008 Water for Agriculture and Energy in Africa: The Challenges of Climate Change The Investment Envelope by Region

Sirte, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya December 2008 Water for Agriculture and Energy in Africa: The Challenges of Climate Change The Investment Framework Policy alignment Public and private institutional capacity Enabling environment that can attract and implement larger proportions of investment Prerequisites Objectives To set out the investment requirements and monitor the impact of investments. To integrate the diverse economic sector interests at national level and matching these with capital and recurrent budget allocations of governments and the eligibility requirements of donors. To allow explicit recognition of private investment.

Sirte, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya December 2008 Water for Agriculture and Energy in Africa: The Challenges of Climate Change Key Messages water for energy and water for agriculture are not to be seen as necessarily alternative approaches, instead water management for hydropower and agriculture should go hand in hand In many cases, hydropower dams are promoted as being suitable for multi- purpose functions, such as supplying water for irrigation and drinking water, both in the case of large and small-hydropower facilities Agriculture and energy are two highly interconnected sectors: on one side, any further growth in the rural space will necessarily increase demand for energy; on the other side, an increased access to energy could ensure an adequate agriculture development that would, thus, stimulate rural and economic development

Sirte, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya December 2008 Water for Agriculture and Energy in Africa: The Challenges of Climate Change Conclusions African Countries have to make progress towards meeting the Maputo budget target Development partners need to increase investment in the water sector to help broaden and accelerate the recent economic and agricultural growth process