Trope Class #1 Administrative – Audio recording on – Name cards -- return them to me at end of class – Handouts Slides, Trope with musical notation, CD by Cantor Barugel Readings for March 7 – Classes on January 11 & 25, February 1 & 8, March 1 Next class in two week (January 25) – If miss class, go to and click on “LL&V” Can download slides, handouts, and audio recording – Reserve Saturday, March 7 to read in synagogue – Sign up for individual meetings before or after class on January 25 Agenda for today – Introduction to class webpage, PocketTorah Trope, PocketTorah – Enachta and Sof Pasuk By end of today’s class, you will be able to chant about half of the Torah. 1
2 Click here to get to class webpage
3 Class webpage
And she conceived again, and she gave birth to a son, and she called his name, Onan. The Logic of Trope: Simple Sentences I 1.Divide the sentence in half. 2.Put Etnachtah under the last word in the first phrase. 3.Put Sof Pasuk on the last word in the second phrase. 4.Divide each phrase in half again 5.Put Tippchah under the last word in the 1st and 3 rd phrases. 6.If there is a word in the phrase before the Tippchah, put Merchah under it. 7.If there is a word in the phrase before Etnachtah, put Munach under it. 8.If there is a word in the phrase before Sof Pasuk, put Merchah under it.
and she gave birth to a son, and he called his name, And she conceive d, Er. The Logic of Trope II: Simple Sentences II 1.Divide the sentence in half. 2.Put Etnachtah under the last word in the first phrase. 3.Put Sof Pasuk on the last word in the second phrase. 4.Divide each phrase in half again 5.Put Tippchah under the last word in the 1st and 3 rd phrases. 6.If there is a word in the phrase before the Tippchah, put Merchah under it. 7.If there is a word in the phrase before Etnachtah, put Munach under it. 8.If there is a word in the phrase before Sof Pasuk, put Merchah under it.
Logic of Trope III Sof Pasuk – Always at end of verse – Always one per verse – Always preceded by Tipchah Merchah or Tipchah Etnachtah – Divides verse at grammatical half point – Almost always one per verse Never two; zero, if verse very short – Always preceded by Tipchah Munach or Tipchah Tipchah – At grammatical division preceding Sof Pasuk or Etnachtah – Almost always two per sentence Merchah and Munach – Under words closely connected to the words that follow 14 Level 1 Disjunctives Level 2 Disjunctive Conjunctives
What To Do Before Next Class Read your aliyah in Hebrew without trope Use translation to understand the meaning of each Hebrew word in your aliyah Chant the parts of your aliyah with trope that you have learned so far Listen to CD of Cantor Barugel in car or on phone or iPod Play trope on musical instrument Sing along with PocketTorah Trope Other resources (Optional) – Trope Trainer $115-$155 for PC or Mac $25 for iPhone + in-app purchases Give me name cards, so I can keep them for next class 15
Screenshots from Apple App Store 16
Screen shots from PocketTorah Trope 17
Screen shot from PocketTorah Trope 18
19 Screen shots from PocketTorah Pocket Torah
20 Screen shots from PocketTorah Pocket Torah