Welcome to Canadian Red Cross Orientation
Objectives The Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement The Canadian Red Cross Society Ontario Zone How we Help – CRCS Facts At A Glance This orientation is a general overview. More training opportunities regarding the Movement as well as details on specific programs will be available over the course of the next several weeks/months. And, of course, or website www.redcross.ca has a wealth of information to help you truly understand and appreciate the mission and work of the Candian Red Cross.
Henry Dunant “Would it not be possible, in time of peace and quiet, to form relief societies for the purpose of having care given to the wounded in wartime by zealous, devoted and thoroughly qualified volunteers?” “On certain special occasions, as, for example, when princes of the military art belonging to different nationalities meet (...), would it not be desirable that they should take advantage of this sort of congress to formulate some international principle, sanctioned by a Convention inviolate in character, which, once agreed upon and ratified, might constitute the basis for societies for the relief of the wounded?” Henry Dunant Swiss Founder of the Red Cross 1859 The first of these ideas led to the creation of the National Red Cross (and, later, Red Crescent) Societies, and the second to the development of modern international humanitarian law, which first found written expression in the Geneva Convention.
Timeline 1859 - Austrian and French armies clash at Solferino, 40,000, men die. Dunant sets up organization care for men 1863 - Red Cross is born 1864 Twelve states sign 10 articles forming the first Geneva Convention. The first Red Cross emblem officially appeared
1867 - First International Conference of the Red Cross 1876 - International Committee of the Red Cross becomes official 1885 - Canadian Red Cross begins to form 1909 – Canadian Government Passed The Canadian Red Cross Society Act 1965 - Fundamental Principles of Red Cross were adopted 1867 First International Conference of the Red Cross, attended by nine governments, 16 National Committees and the International Committee. 1876 The committee that was formed in 1863 officially became the International Committee of the Red Cross. 1885 Militia Medical officer, Dr. George Sterling Ryerson, plants the seed that will later sprout to become the Canadian Red Cross. The Federal Government passed the Canadian Red Cross Society Act, which legally established the Red Cross as the corporate body responsible for providing volunteer aid in Canada in accordance with the Geneva Convention.
Fundamental Principles Humanity Neutrality Universality Voluntary Service Impartiality Independence Unity In 1965, the seven Fundamental Principles were adopted by the 20th International Conference. They were developed to link together the International Committee, Federation and National Societies. The order of the principles is important because not all principles have the same status. The essential principle is Humanity, from which all others derive. HUMANITY In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Red Cross may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature. NEUTRALITY The Red Cross is a voluntary relief organization not prompted in any manner by desire for gain. UNIVERSALITY There can be only one Red Cross Society in any one country. It must be open to all. It must carry on its humanitarian work throughout its territory. VOLUNTARY SERVICE The Red Cross, born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, endeavour - in its international and national capacity - to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace amongst all peoples. IMPARTIALITY It makes no discrimination as to nationality, race religious beliefs, class or political opinions. It endeavours only to relieve suffering, giving priority to the most urgent cases of distress. INDEPENDENCE The Red Cross is a worldwide institution in which all societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other. UNITY The Red Cross is independent. The National Societies, while auxiliaries in the humanitarian services of their governments and subject to the laws of their respective countries, must always maintain their autonomy so that they may be able at all times to act in accordance with Red Cross Principles.
ICRC The International Red Cross Movement STATES PARTY TO THE GENEVA CONVENTION States Party to the Geneva Conventions ICRC INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS Geneva, founded 1863 INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF RED CROSS AND RED CRESCENT SOCIETIES Geneva, founded 1919 International CONFERENCE of the Red Cross and Red Crescent NATIONAL RED CROSS OR RED CRESCENT SOCIETIES The International Conference is one of the most important humanitarian fora in the world, bringing together the States party to the Geneva Conventions and the various components of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The International Conference is the supreme deliberative body for the Movement. It gathers the representatives of the components of the Movement and the representatives of the States Parties to the Geneva Conventions. Normally it is held every four years. In December 03, the 28th International Conference took place on the theme of “Protecting Human Dignity”. Its objective was to have participants accept the twofold responsibility underpinning the results of the Conference: - to respect the law - to reduce the risks related to armed conflicts, disasters and disease, and limit people's vulnerability to their effects. The International Red Cross Movement
International Committee of the Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Protection – Detention Monitoring Tracing – Restoring Family Links Medical Activities Relief Activities Dissemination/Information Regional Delegations , Protection Protection is the mainstay of ICRC activities. Protection and assistance are extended to civilians affected by conflict, in particular those who have been interned or displaced, prisoners of war, and security detainees. The ICRC's main concern is to ensure that all parties in time of war adhere to the basic provision of international humanitarian law. The ICRC objective, during visits to places of detention or internment, is to see that all prisoners of war, detainees, and internees are treated humanely. The standard criteria for visits are that ICRC delegates must be allowed to see all persons interned or detained and talk to them in private, without witness; have access to all places of internment or detention and be permitted to make follow-up visits; and demand a list of persons interned or detained (or register those present and compile a list during the visit). Tracing The ICRC has always considered it essential to reassure members of dispersed families and re-establish communication between them. The traditional tasks of the Central Tracing Agency of the ICRC under the Geneva Conventions are to: obtain, centralize and communicate all information on civilian and military victims in enemy hands ensure the transmission of correspondence between prisoners and their families exchange of Red Cross Messages between members of families separated by conflict trace persons reported missing or whose relatives are without news issue certificates of captivity, sickness or death transmit legal documents, such as power of attorney and wills and issue travel documents. These services are also provided for "security detainees" and their families. ICRC also assists in reuniting family members separated by conflict, and acts as an intermediary for the exchange of messages and correspondence. The ICRC also provides assistance to National Societies in setting up or improving their own tracing services. Medical Activities In conflict situations the ICRC provides expertise and assistance in the fields of war: surgery and emergency care in conflicts first aid, medical repatriation and evacuation basic pharmaceutical and medical material for emergencies physiotherapy and orthopedic rehabilitation of people disabled by war therapeutic feeding, primary health care and sanitation. Sometimes this is done by setting up an ICRC surgical hospital for the treatment of war wounded or by providing expatriate medical teams to work in existing local facilities. The ICRC medical programs are not intended to replace or make more sophisticated the existing services and facilities. It is the ICRC's long-term policy to reinforce the capacity of the local health system so that it can again function alone once the emergency phase is over. Medical activities in the field are performed by both ICRC and National Society personnel. Relief Activities The ICRC provides victims of conflict (displaced civilians or civilians living in unsafe areas cut off from normal supply lines) with urgently needed food and non-food supplies food to be prepared by the beneficiaries themselves blankets kitchen sets and most basic items for the household or personal hygiene Food rations are constituted on the basis of nutritional value and cultural tradition. ICRC relief assistance is basic, practical and of a level to sustain life and should correspond as closely as possible to conditions prevailing locally. Programs are designed to meet urgent needs and reassure the transition to rehabilitation. Often no other humanitarian organization can work in these situations because of security or political constraints, and the role of the ICRC is extremely important. The programs are launched only if ICRC criteria of intervention are accepted - ICRC must be allowed to carry out field missions to assess needs, identify the categories and numbers of people who should receive assistance and organize and supervise the implementation of all programs. Dissemination/Information The ICRC supports the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies operating in conflict areas in their programs to teach political authorities, armed forces and combatants, the general public and media about their rights and obligations according to the principles and rules of international humanitarian law. The same groups must be informed about the principles that guide Red Cross/Red Crescent activities, and they must be shown the need to ensure the safety and freedom of movement of Red Cross/Red Crescent workers and the need to respect, and protect from misuse, the emblem. The general public and the media must be kept informed about ICRC operations, their nature, achievements and limitations. Regional Delegations ICRC regional delegations must respond to: emergencies caused by outbreaks of violence or tensions that suddenly flare up in countries covered by the delegation needs created by active or sporadic conflicts or tensions that can affect a region even in times of peace humanitarian problems that sometimes remain to be solved long after warring parties have ceased to fight. Delegates working in regional delegations can be called upon to: provide logistical support for ICRC operations in nearby countries act as neutral intermediaries carry out visits to security detainees provide tracing services conduct limited, short term emergency operations. They work at developing and maintaining regular contacts with governments, regional organizations, National Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies, and officials in all the countries in their region to ensure that the work of the institution is understood. It is important to promote knowledge and understanding of International Humanitarian Law (IHL). It creates an environment that is favourable to the application. The more this can be made into a way of life, the more the individual is persuaded to act humanely in all places and situations. Geneva Conventions: a set of rules and principles that govern the protection of all parties "hors de combat" outside the conflict. International humanitarian Law (IHL) refers to all the rules contained in the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their two additional Protocols of 1977, as well as the Laws of Hague, which focus on the conduct of hostilities. The Geneva Conventions and protocols contain more than 600 articles and ensure protection and respect for humans, "hors de combat", in the event of armed conflicts. These laws were developed using the principle of humanity. They focused on making the conflict more humane. It is the responsibility of the governments that sign the agreements, to adhere to its rules and encourage other signatory states to adhere. International Humanitarian Law becomes effective as soon as hostilities break out.
International Humanitarian Law The body of rules which govern the behaviour of warring parties. The Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocols International Humanitarian Law International Humanitarian Law - more commonly known as the laws of war - is a body of law that exists to protect people in times of armed conflict. It regulates the treatment of the wounded, prohibits attacks against civilians, the use of certain weapons, and ensures the protection of non-combatants, Red Cross and medical personnel, and prisoners of war. International Humanitarian Law protects all of us, regardless of our race, sex, religion, nationality, political opinion, culture or social status. Our work at the Red Cross protects and promotes the rights of all people affected by armed conflict. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), working under the Red Cross Fundamental Principle of neutrality, enters conflict areas and negotiates on behalf of the wounded, prisoners of war, and civilians. The rules of IHL represent a compromise, agreed to by States, in the debate between military necessities and humanitarian needs during armed conflicts. In other words, IHL safeguards the humanitarian element which must remain omnipresent within the realities of all armed conflicts. By becoming a party to international treaties on IHL, States have committed themselves to recognize and act according to this humanitarian element.
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent World’s largest humanitarian organization 192 Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies world wide Mission – to improve the lives of vulnerable people Roles The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies are the world's largest humanitarian organization, providing assistance without discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. Founded in 1919, the International Federation comprises 192 member Red Cross and Red Crescent societies, a Secretariat in Geneva and more than 60 delegations strategically located to support activities around the world. The Red Crescent is used in place of the Red Cross in many Islamic countries and the Red Crystal has just been adopted. The Federation's mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. Vulnerable people are those who are at greatest risk from situations that threaten their survival, or their capacity to live with an acceptable level of social and economic security and human dignity. Often, these are victims of natural disasters, poverty brought about by socio-economic crises, refugees, and victims of health emergencies.
Roles & Responsibilities The Federation carries out relief operations to assist victims of disaster and combines this with development work to strengthen the capacities of its member National Societies. Responsibilities The Federation carries out relief operations to assist victims of disasters, and combines this with development work to strengthen the capacities of its member National Societies. The Federation's work focuses on four core areas: promoting humanitarian values, disaster response, disaster preparedness, and health and community care. The unique network of National Societies, which cover almost every country in the world, is the Federation's principal strength. Cooperation between National Societies gives the Federation greater potential to develop capacities and assist those most in need. At a local level, the network enables the Federation to reach individual communities. The role of the Secretariat in Geneva is to: coordinate and mobilize relief assistance for international emergencies promote cooperation between National Societies represent these National Societies in the international field The role of the field delegations is to: assist and advise National Societies with relief operations and development programs encourage regional cooperation The Federation, together with National Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross, make up the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.
Strategy 2010 To improve lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity Strategy 2010 - To improve lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. Strategy 2010 will guide the Federation's actions from the years 2000 to 2010. It defines strategic directions for the Federation and its member National Societies to follow in order to achieve a common mission: to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity.
The four core areas Promotion of humanitarian values and principles Disaster response Disaster preparedness Health and care in the community National Society programs that are responsive to local vulnerability and focused on the areas where they can add greatest value. The four core areas are: Promotion of humanitarian values and principles Disaster response Disaster preparedness Health and care in the community Well functioning National Societies which can mobilize support and carry out their humanitarian mission, contributing to the building of civil society. Working together effectively through program cooperation, long-term partnerships and funding, as well as more active advocacy. Details of our work in each of the four core areas can be found in the Who We Are section.
The Canadian Red Cross Society 1 National Office 4 Zones 22 Regions 295 Branches Over 29,000 volunteers Approx. 6,000 permanent and casual staff Approx. $238 million Society Revenues The Canadian Red Cross Society is a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Our volunteer members govern the Society at all levels. We have serviced Canadians since 1896 - more than a century of service - from kitchen tables to pool sides to war-ravaged country sides. The Canadian Red Cross brings relief, hope and dignity to millions - across the world and across the street through the services they offer: Disaster Management Water Safety Services First Aid Services Equipment Loan Services And many community programs
Canadian Red Cross Our Mission To improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity in Canada and around the world. Canadian Red Cross Our Mission We help people deal with situations that threaten: their survival and safety their security and well-being their human dignity in Canada and around the world
Our Four Core Areas of Focus Humanitarian Values We protect lives and ensure respect for the human being. Disaster & Conflict We provide relief when individuals and communities require support In 2003 the Society implemented a new strategic plan for 2003-2008 outlining 4 core areas of focus. The four core areas of focus help us frame the image of the Canadian Red Cross. Strategic goals define the express difference we will make as a result of mobilizing resources to improve the lives of the vulnerable. Priorities define the specific populations and issues that Red Cross will address.
Our Four Core Areas of Focus Health & Injury Prevention We reduce suffering, save lives and build safe and healthy communities for individuals at vulnerable time in their lives. Organizational Capacity We mobilize sufficient support and resources to carry out our humanitarian mission A detailed copy of the strategic plan is available at www.redcross.ca and in every branch office.
Governance/Management, Structure, Relationships and Key Functions Our definition of governance strongly suggests that accountability is shared between volunteers and staff, governance and management – a collaborative and flexible process. The Canadian Red Cross Society is governed by its volunteer members. Governing structures exist at the national, zone and regional levels.
2006-2008 Priorities Disaster Management International Services Fund Raising Financial Stability In May 2006, the Secretary General announced some additional key ingredients to planning for even greater success. Although all components of the of the strategic plan are important, these four have been deemed the Society’s current top priorities.
Social Justice & Diversity We welcome all who share our mission and want to help and are determined that those who need our services have full access. We provide humanitarian services to people in need, without regard to race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, marital status, family status, disability, pardoned conviction or sexual orientation. To enable the Society to provide service in keeping with our Mission Statement and our Fundamental Principles, Red Cross is committed to social justice and diversity. This Social Justice and Diversity policy guides our actions on a daily basis.
Ontario Zone Structure 1 Zone Council 6 Region Councils Over 40 Branches Thousands of Volunteers Ontario Zone is the largest zone in the Canadian Red Cross contributing millions of dollars and volunteer hours to the work of the Society annually. After years of managing the Community Health Services as unique entity, In 2006, we went through a significant restructuring to bring all aspects of the Society together under one management structure.
Ontario Zone Programs & Services Disaster Management First Aid & Water Safety RespectEd Humanitarian Issues Community Health Services Transportation, Meals-On-Wheels, Home Health Equipment Loan Service And many other community initiatives We offer a full range of services to the people of Ontario. While we focus on the Society’s core programs, branches all across the province operate unique programs to meet the needs of their communities.
Fund Raising in Ontario The Society relies primarily on individual and corporate donations as well as the generous support of the United Way, the Ministry of Health, the Ontario Trillium Foundation and others. Fund Raising is critical to our success. We raise money through direct mail, lotteries, special events, planned giving etc but we also rely on agencies like the United Way, the Ministry of Health and others to support our work. Staff and volunteers work in close partnership to raise the funds necessary to support our operations. As one of the organization’s top priorities Ontario is investing heavily in enhancing our fund raising capabilities.
Canadian Red Cross Facts at a glance 2004-2005 International Programs $ 3,449,000 Funding for international relief operations $ 50,265,000 Funding for international project activities (including Tsunami activities) 124 Delegate missions abroad To finish our presentation - Some interesting facts about the Canadian Red Cross.
Canadian Red Cross Facts at a glance 2004-2005 Disaster Services 12,696 People assisted by Disaster Services across Canada 3,198 People trained in Emergency Preparedness
Canadian Red Cross Facts at a glance 2004-2005 Injury Prevention 449,358 People enrolled in water safety training programs 13,789 People enrolled in water safety instructor training 367,206 People enrolled in first aid training 5,221 People enrolled in first aid instructor training
Canadian Red Cross Facts at a glance 2004-2005 Equipment Loan Services 199,291 Articles loaned (256,395 People served Home Assistance 12,703 People served through Link to Health, Meals on Wheels, Transportation and other programs
For more information please review the orientation manual in each branch and visit www.redcross.ca. Your local staff and Council members are also always happy to talk!
HIP Workshops To learn more about the Red Cross Movement; Humanitarian Issues including how the Fundamental Principles affect our daily decisions; and the Canadian Red Cross Society look for upcoming workshops in your area from the Humanitarian Issues team. This orientation is just the start of understanding the complexities of one of the largest humanitarian organizations in the world.
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