The Resurrection Narrative Luke 24:1- 53 Presented by Celenne Nunez
Overview Luke’s account of the resurrection falls into four main scenes: The Women and Peter at the empty tomb of Jesus (24:1-12) Two disciples encounter Jesus on the way to Emmaus (24:13-35) Jesus appears to the disciples in Jerusalem (24:36-49) Jesus ascends to heaven (24:50-53)
Biblical Background of Resurrection Theme 1. No belief in life after death whatsoever; life simply ceases to exist (Eccl 9:5) 1.Earliest Stages: No belief in life after death whatsoever; life simply ceases to exist (Eccl 9:5) 2. Belief in general resuscitation or reanimation of many dead, or the whole nation, to a renewed life on earth (Isa 26:19) 2.Middle Stages: Belief in general resuscitation or reanimation of many dead, or the whole nation, to a renewed life on earth (Isa 26:19) 3. 3.Later Stages: Belief in resurrection from death to a new and different form of life (Mark 12:25)
The Theme of Resurrection in OT * Eccl 9:5 (1 st stage of BB) * Ezek 37:1-14 (Vision of the Dry Bones) Dan 12:2 2 Macc 7:9, 11 *Isa 26:19 (2 nd stage of BB)
The Empty Tomb
The Empty Tomb: Overview Luke 24:1-11 Luke 24:1-11 Why were the women not believed by the Apostles? Why were the women not believed by the Apostles? What does that say about society of that time? What does that say about society of that time?
The Empty Tomb: NT Parallels GospelMessengersRecipientsMessage Mark 16:1-8 a young man dressed in a white robe "Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of James, Salome" (3) In Alan Matt 28:1-8 an angel of the Lord; his appearance was like lightning, and his clothes white as snow "Mary Magdalene and the other Mary" (2)“” Matt 28:9-10 Jesus himself (the same two women)“” Luke 24:1-12 two men in dazzling clothes "Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the other women with them“ (4)“” John 20:11-13 two angels in whiteMary Magdalene alone“” John 20:14-18 Jesus himself Mary Magdalene, again alone“”