BY : Ashley Raima Dimapinto Donna Gift Ednalgan
Most often used to describe the growing integration of economics worldwide through increases in trade, investment flows & technology transfer. The term conveys a sense that international forces are driving more and more developments in the world.
GLOBAL EDUCATION & GLOBALIZATION Nurture the higher-order cognitive and intrapersonal skills Problem Solving Articulating Arguments Deploying verifiable facts or artifacts These skills should be required of children & youth who will be adults that will fully engage to a larger world & master its challenges. Education for Globalization SHOULD :
Motivated by economic forces & driven by digital technologies and communications, globalization links individual and institutions across the world with unprecedented interconnection. Despite the ambiguities in definition & significance, globalization will remain paradigm for foreseeable future. GLOBAL EDUCATION & GLOBALIZATION
Global Education as distinct from Globalization Does higher education has traditionally aimed to do: Extend students awareness of the world in which they live by opening them to the diverse heritage of human thoughts, action & creativity. GLOBAL EDUCATION & GLOBALIZATION
Global Education Places particular emphasis on the changes in communication & relationships among people throughout the world. GLOBAL EDUCATION & GLOBALIZATION
REFERENCE Vega,Prieto, Carreon (2006) Social Dimensions of Education