Therapies Insight Therapies Relationship Therapies Behavior Therapies Cognitive Therapies Biological Therapies Evaluating the Therapies Culture- and Gender- Sensitive Therapies
Why Seek Therapy?
Approaches to Therapy TherapyNature of Psycho- pathology Goal of Therapy Psycho- analytic Humanistic Maladjustment reflects inadequate conflict resolution and fixation in early development Pathology re- flects an incongruity between the real self and the potential, desired self. Overdependence on others for gratification and self-esteem Attainment of maturity, strengthened ego functions, reduced control by unconscious or repressed impulses. To foster self- determination, release human potential, expand awareness Role of Therapist An investigator, uncovering conflicts and resistances. An empathetic person in true encounter with client, sharing experiences. Role of Unconscious Material Primary in classical psycho- analysis, less emphasis in ego analysis Emphasis is primarily on conscious experience Role of Insight Includes not solely intellectual understanding but also emotional experiences Used by many, but there is more emphasis on how and what questions than on why questions Techniques Analyst takes an active role in interpreting the dreams and free associations in patients Client is asked to see the world from a different perspective and is encouraged to focus on current situations rather than past ones
Approaches to Therapy Continued TherapyNature of Psycho- pathology Goal of Therapy Behavior Cognitive Symptomatic behavior stems from faulty learning. The symptom is the problem; there is no underlying disease. Maladjustment occurs because of faulty, irrational thought patterns To relieve symptomatic behavior by suppressing or replacing maladaptive behaviors To change the way clients think about themselves and the world Role of Therapist A helper, helping client unlearn old behaviors and learn new ones A trainer and coinvestig- ator helping the client learn new, rational ways to think about the world and self Role of Unconscious Material No concern with unconscious processes Little or no concern with unconscious processes Role of Insight Irrelevant and unnecessary Irrelevant, but may be used if it does occur Techniques Clients learn new responses; purpose is to establish new behaviors and eliminate faulty or undesirable ones Clients learn to think situations thorough logically and to reconsider many of their irrational assumptions
Insight Therapies Humanistic therapy Goal is self-actualization. Person-centered therapy (non-directive therapy) Gestalt therapy Emphasizes experiencing feelings, thoughts, and actions and then taking responsibility for them. Directive therapy
Relationship Therapies Interpersonal therapy (IPT) Community Psychotherapy Couple and family therapy Group therapy Self-help group Psychodrama
Behavior Therapies Based on Operant Conditioning: Behavior modification Token economies Based on Classical Conditioning: Systematic desensitization Flooding Exposure and Response prevention Aversion therapy Participant-Modeling
Cognitive Therapies Rational Emotive Therapy Beck’s Cognitive Therapy
The ABCs of Rational-Emotive Therapy Harry asked Sally to the concert and was turned down without a reason IRRATIONAL BELIEFS “It’s terrible if I get turned down.” “I’m humiliated.” RATIONAL BELIEFS “If she doesn’t want to go out with me, I will take someone else. It’s too bad, but that’s life.” Harry was shocked, dejected, angry, and depressed. EMOTIONAL DISTRESS Harry was shocked, dejected, angry, and depressed. EMOTIONAL CONSEQUENCE Harry is somewhat annoyed and disappointed but is looking forward to the concert anyway. A causes C C (Consequence) A (Activating Event) Harry asked Sally to the concert and was turned down without a reason A (Activating Event) Harry believes Sally’s refusal caused his upset. B (Belief about event)
Beck’s Cognitive Therapy Illogical Ideas E.g., tendency to overgeneralize setbacks E.g., tendency to explain away positive outcomes or experiences E.g., tendency to magnify the importance of negative events Negative affect Beck’s Therapy focuses on changing this kind of thinking Negative thoughts, memories, and ideas Depression
Biological Therapies Drug Therapy Antipsychotic drugs Antidepressant drugs Lithium Electroconvulsive shock therapy (ECT) Psychosurgery
Other Considerations in Therapy Training of therapist Cultural Sensitivity of therapist Gender of therapist Listing of therapists: Psychology Today Therapist Finder Psychology Today Therapist Finder