Valentin Bartra - Peru Adaptation -Mitigation - SD2 Evidence of adverse effects of climate change (IPCC-TAR, ACIA...) Receding tropical glaciers [schrinkage] Forced migrations Increment in frequency and intensity of climate related extreme events / disasters Impacted habitats Loss of biodiversity
Valentin Bartra - Peru Adaptation -Mitigation - SD3 Sustainable development Three dimensions: Human /social Economic Environmental
Valentin Bartra - Peru Adaptation -Mitigation - SD4 MDG #1 Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. #4 Reduce child mortality. #6 Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases. #7Ensure environmental sustainability. #8 Develop a global partnership for development.
Valentin Bartra - Peru Adaptation -Mitigation - SD5 Adaptation in development planning political commitment budget item institutionalization
Valentin Bartra - Peru Adaptation -Mitigation - SD6 Public awareness and participation Climate Campaign Community based forest managment Community based disaster risk managment
Valentin Bartra - Peru Adaptation -Mitigation - SD7 Costs of adaptation Cost of Adaptation. Most vulnerable communities, consistent indicators of vulnerability to climate change. Benefits. Present and future, identified and measured.
Valentin Bartra - Peru Adaptation -Mitigation - SD8 Lessons on adaptation Need to increase rescilience of livelihoods and infrastructure. Integrated approach to development Building adaptive capacity and awareness of climate change. Mainstreaming. Country-driven prioritisation and vulnerability assessments. Funding sustainable livelihoods. Work at community level. Social networks are essential
Valentin Bartra - Peru Adaptation -Mitigation - SD9 Adaptation strategy for agriculture Crops with less water requirements Traditional techniques (camellones) Replacing seeds that don’t germinate Mulching Organic fertilizer Intercropping with nitrogenfixing crops Growing market crops Growing vegetables not widely available
Valentin Bartra - Peru Adaptation -Mitigation - SD10 Mainstreaming and Integrating Priority of sustainable development projects, incorporating adaptation approaches, favorably viewed by development agencies. ODA explicitly for funding adaptation projects. Adaptation guidelines for sustainable development funding DEBT-FOR-ADAPTATION projects
Valentin Bartra - Peru Adaptation -Mitigation - SD11 Mainstreaming is where adaptation responses are considered into sustainable development processes (African Development Bank, 2003). Integrating is when specific adaptation measures are added to design and implementation strategies. Ensures consistency with adaptation and poverty eradication needs. More efficient means to avoid duplication of efforts. Larger share of funding potentially available.) » Funding for ODA could be twice as much as funding for adaptation
Valentin Bartra - Peru Adaptation -Mitigation - SD12 adaptation, mitigation and poverty in future CC regime? Mitigation, adaptation and sustainable development Sustainable development is the link (Alleviates poverty) Adaptive capacity by promoting sustainable livelihoods Recognize that climate change impedes achieving sustainable development. Local action linked to international funding Beter understanding of developing countries needs Synergies between different conventions and international agreements on adaptation to climate change.
Valentin Bartra - Peru Adaptation -Mitigation - SD13 Larger developing countries are concerned about climate change's impact and agree that everyone should do his part. Informal discussions to negotiate a post-Kyoto regime should include: recognition of value and advantages of certain technologies that contribute to GHG emission reductions, goals (or emissions quotas) to contribute to global GHG estabilzation.