Farming Techniques in U.S.A By Ananya G.S. IX-I
Farming in USA Extensive agriculture practiced 2.2 million farms of area 922 million acres Corn, wheat, soybean, paddy etc. grown Dairy farming, animal rearing, organic farming, etc. practiced Farming is of 2 types: Modern Farming Traditional Farming
Traditional Farming Techniques in USA Original methods practiced for centuries Natural methods Not much usage of chemicals Animals are not bred on a commercial scale
Modern Farming Techniques In USA Scientific methods Advanced technology Chemicals Hybrid technology Tractors and excessive usage of machinery
Modern VS Traditional Farming Modern farming is efficient but has many harmful side- effects and drawbacks Traditional farming techniques are natural and safe and produce crops of good quality but may not produce a sufficient quantity Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages so we have to strike a balance between the two and create excellent crops