Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde Jühnde Bio-Energy Village in Germany Parlamentary Hearing on 100% Renewable Energy in European Regions Eckhard Fangmeier
Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde inhabitants 9 farmers 1300 ha fields 800 ha wood First Bioenergy Village in Germany Renewable Energy since Sept.2005 What is Jühnde and where is it located?
Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde Motivation for a Bioenergy Village The Idea came from University of Göttingen: „Self-sufficient Heating and Electricity Supply Using Biomass“ Goals of the project: economical (independent, agriculture income, middle term investment) ecological ( CO-2 neutral, lesser mineral fertilizer, biodiversity) social (stronger local society, responsibility for each other, democratic decisions) Village Jühnde has been inspired by the idea, took the challenge, has build an cooperative society, made a investment decision for 5,2 Mio € and is now responsible for the business Electricity produced = 2x Electricity consumed
Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde Milestones 2001-Jan Information meeting for inhabitants 2002-Oct Contracts with customers; 70% 2003-Dez Building application for approval availible 2004-Oct Build cooperative association, Decision for investment 2004-Nov Start of implementation 2005-SeptStart of energy production … 2012-Sept7 years experience
Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde Electricity about 5 million kWh / year Heating supplies village, a 70% Participation of the people through the cooperative Reduction of approximately 60% CO2 / a / Inhabitants Economy operating with approximately € 1.3 million turnover / a 80% of revenues in the region remains Pilot project with many visitors 7 years RE in Jühnde based on biomass Biogasplant 712 kW Heating system 550 kW Hot water grid app. 5,5 km Peak load system oil bases kW
Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde Benifits for the community B. Ecological Effects CO2 reduction plant diversity odor reduction drinking Water Protection C. Social effects Strengthening the Community Identification Responsibility A. Economic effects Independence of fossil resources Additional pillar for agriculture Additional jobs Perspective for the region Regional value increase
Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde What paved the way for transition The technologies were available (500 Biogasplants, wooden chip oven, Hotwater grids) Motivated people to use the technologies together with the available renewable resources and to adapt it The national policy framework §
Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde Keys to achieve the high share of RE Renewable Ressources availible University at the beginning helped with independend information and teamwork Motivation initiated by a competition Payed feasibility study Engineers who helped us Motivated Farmers Key-people in the village Motivated people in the village Local economic Advisors Local politicans
Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde Role of national policy framework : A new version of the EEG with higher compensation for biomass Our business plan worked ~ 17,12 Cent/kWh Our business plan worked ~ 17,12 Cent/kWh Effects Jühnde : The amendment of 2008 had the objective of increasing the share of renewables in electricity supply by 2020 to a level of at least 35% Additional income ~21 Cent/kWh Manure Formaldehyde-Bonus Heat out of CHP- process Additional income ~21 Cent/kWh Manure Formaldehyde-Bonus Heat out of CHP- process National Legislation
Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde It was the right time for Transition to 100% RE
Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde New Projects E-mobility 4-5 Windmills in Jühnde European Network of Self-sustaining communities
Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde Contact Eckhard Fangmeier Chairman and Executive Director Bioenergiedorf Jühnde eG Koppelweg 1 D Jühnde Mobil: +49 (0) Phone: +49 (0) Phone priv: +49 (0) Fax: +49 (0) E- Mail: Internet:
Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde Energie Bio Bioenergy Village Jühnde Appendix