Market Harborough Methodist Circuit Prayer Spaces in Schools
What do they do? Prayer Spaces In Schools enable children and young people to explore faith and spirituality from a broadly Christian perspective in a safe, creative and interactive way. A range of flexible resources can be adapted to work for participants aged 5 to 18 bringing an experiential dimension to a variety of subject areas and to pastoral aspects of school life."
What we will do Provide an idea of how each station will look and what we hope the children will gain from them Provide team members for each prayer station Make sure all team members hold current CRB/DBS certificates and provide copies if required Set up the prayer stations in the space provided All resources needed for each prayer station including any drapes, cushions, lights, pens, post it notes or craft activities etc
Theme Ideas We ask that the school will try a combination of prayer activities that are directed upwards (towards God, e.g. Big Questions, Prayer Wall), outwards (towards the world around us, e.g. Pray The News, Stop The Traffik), and inwards (reflective, towards the self, e.g. Who Am I?, Fizzy Forgiveness).
Prayer Space example – Thank you Thank You Activity: Young people have the opportunity toreflect on they are grateful for in their lives and then can write or draw the things they are thankful onto post it notes to create a thankful display. Alternatively (or in addition) they can make things they are thankful for out of playdough.
Prayer space example - Sorry Sorry Activity: Young People have the opportunity to reflect on and say sorry for their actions where they feel they can by writing sorry on a Magnadoodle/whiteboard which they then wipe away.
Prayer Space example - World World Activity: Young people write their worries or concerns or thanks for those people they know in other parts of the world or for world events that they may know of on to post it notes and stick them to the appropriate country on a large world Map.
What can I do? Please pray for the children and staff at the school, pray now and on the PrayerSpace days Could you volunteer to run one of the spaces? Contact Brian or Sue if you want more information or if you would like to volunteer. Pray for the team Do you have any resources to gift for this and future PrayerSpaces (cushions, rugs, fabric)