MANAGE INNOVATION IN SMALL/MEDIUM BUSINESS Textile Clothing and Footwear Industry Australia 2010
BSBINN601A Manage knowledge and information Learner Induction Guide for E-Learning delivery May – October 2010
Contents Welcome to your E-Learning course! – From your facilitator Graham Dickinson and technical support Roger Drew – Course title / qualification – Guide to E-Learning – Hints – Technical – Contacts and communication – Schedule – Assessment – RPL
BSBINN601A Manage knowledge and information Elective unit for Certificate IV Small Business Management and the TCF Industry “Manage Innovation in Small / Medium (SME) Business” course E-Learning delivery with Net Meeting “Virtual Classroom”, Wikis Discussion, and Self Paced / Managed Study and Research
Guide to E-Learning Schedule Net Meeting training appointments – Try to plan activities to avoid missing sessions Familiarize yourself with Net Meeting, Wikis, and Participate regularly in Discussion topics Start assignments early so as to finish before next Net Meeting Contact your facilitator if you have difficulties
Hints for E- Learning activities Net Meeting – Log on and phone in before scheduled start time Call support if you need help to make the connection – Introduce yourself at the start and before talking – Avoid interrupting, or unnecessary input / comment – Mute phone unless talking WIKIS – Respond to questions and comment on class input early, and complete by deadline – Comment constructively and “build” on other input to contribute to the learning experience
Technical Computer – 256 RAM 2GB Memory; Internet connection with 100 BPS & 2GB per month plan (minimum) NetMeeting – Install according to Microsoft CD or download instructions. your NetMeeting ID to facilitator – Contact: Roger - ######### if you need help Telephone Conferencing: Telstra Conferencing: Call: ####### Password: 3419# Help WIKIS – Go to the Course Wiki page at ( – Use WIKI Help to add your own Wiki page – Familiarize yourself with the “Discussion” feature (WIKI Help)
Contacts and Communication Facilitator – Graham Dickinson – GS Dickinson Consulting – (m), (business hours) – – Facilitator “Bio” is posted on the Course WIKI page Technical Support – Roger Drew, Drew e-Associates – Phone: ########## ##########
Course Objectives Learning Outcomes – Be able to identify information and knowledge sources that are needed (for Innovation or other purpose) in your business role – Analyze information to be used in taking business decisions (on Innovation or other activities) – Use acquired knowledge to make decisions (on Innovation directions or other business activities)) based on analysis of information – Establish records (repository), make available, and disseminate information to others for use in (Innovation or other business activity)
Course Schedule Schedule of Net Meetings, Discussions, and Assignments. A Learner Profile questionnaire doc will be sent, to be returned prior to Week 1 Week 1 : Introduction – Net-Meeting (May 3) – Study “Information sources” document and answer WIKI discussion question 1 (and comment) Week 2: Working with Information Sources (June 3) – Study: “Literature and Info Search” doc, WIKI discussion question 2 Week 3: Analyzing business information, -Study” (July 5) “ Business Analysis” doc, WIKI question 3
Course Schedule (cont) Week 4: Making Business Decisions Aug 2, Select Case Study applicable to your business / role (to be provided by facilitator based on enrolment, WIKI Question 4 Week 5: Capturing and disseminating information (Sep 6), Final assignment (to be advised), WIKI question 4 Week 6 : Course conclusion Week 7: Course Reports and Assessment
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) The current course on “Managing Knowledge and Information” is structured for application to “Innovation at Work”. If you have completed a Certificate IV level unit in knowledge and information management (or have extensive work experience)you can apply for RPL and participation in parts of the course will not be mandatory. Contact the course facilitator if you wish to apply for RPL
Assessment WIKI questions : 40% Case Study: 20% Final Assignment:30% Discussion participation: 10%
Conclusion I trust that the brief information in this introduction will be sufficient to get you started If you need further information, do not hesitate to contact me. Graham Dickinson Facilitator