BIOFULES AS GREEN ENERGY by Y.RAVI SATYA DURGA PRASAD (10NQ1AO249) 2 nd eee from vikas engineering college vijayawada(nunna)
WHAT ARE BIOFUELS AND HOW THEY ARE MADE ? Biofuels are a source of energy similar to gasoline. Instead of coming from the ground through oil wells, however, we make biofuels directly from plants. Almost anything that grows from soil can be converted into biofuels. Biofuels are a source of energy similar to gasoline. Instead of coming from the ground through oil wells, however, we make biofuels directly from plants. Almost anything that grows from soil can be converted into biofuels. Biofuels are a wide range of fuels which are in some way derived from biomass. The term covers solid biomass, liquid fuels and various biogases. Biofuels are a wide range of fuels which are in some way derived from biomass. The term covers solid biomass, liquid fuels and various biogases. Biodiesel is made from vegetable oils, animal fats or recycled greases. Biodiesel can be used as a fuel for vehicles in its pure form, but it is usually used as a diesel additive to reduce levels of particulates, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons from diesel- powered vehicles. Biodiesel is produced from oils or fats using transesterification and is the most common biofuel in Europe. Biodiesel is made from vegetable oils, animal fats or recycled greases. Biodiesel can be used as a fuel for vehicles in its pure form, but it is usually used as a diesel additive to reduce levels of particulates, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons from diesel- powered vehicles. Biodiesel is produced from oils or fats using transesterification and is the most common biofuel in Europe.
What is wrong with our normal energy sources? Currently, we pollute our planet with a gas known as carbon dioxide, or CO 2. CO 2 comes from things that burn gasoline or coal – like power plants and cars. Currently, we pollute our planet with a gas known as carbon dioxide, or CO 2. CO 2 comes from things that burn gasoline or coal – like power plants and cars. CO 2 is a Greenhouse gas and causes global warming. The more of it we release into the atmosphere, the warmer the earth becomes. CO 2 is a Greenhouse gas and causes global warming. The more of it we release into the atmosphere, the warmer the earth becomes. A warmer earth could mean rising sea-levels and more dangerous weather like hurricanes. A warmer earth could mean rising sea-levels and more dangerous weather like hurricanes.
How are Biofuels better for our Greenhouse?How are Biofuels better for our Greenhouse? Biofuels reduce CO2 pollution because they come from plants. When plants breathe, they breathe in CO2 and breathe out oxygen. During a plant’s lifetime, it inhales a lot of CO2. When we burn biofuels, like when we use them in our cars, we still release CO2 into the air but since the plant already turned so much CO2 into oxygen we effectively reduce the overall pollution to almost nothing Biofuels reduce CO2 pollution because they come from plants. When plants breathe, they breathe in CO2 and breathe out oxygen. During a plant’s lifetime, it inhales a lot of CO2. When we burn biofuels, like when we use them in our cars, we still release CO2 into the air but since the plant already turned so much CO2 into oxygen we effectively reduce the overall pollution to almost nothing
DIFFERENT GENERATIONS OF BIOFUELDIFFERENT GENERATIONS OF BIOFUEL First generation biofuelsFirst generation biofuels These biofuels are made from the biomassThese biofuels are made from the biomass eg :- Biogaseg :- Biogas Second generation biofuelsSecond generation biofuels These Biofuels are made from the non-food crops. These include waste biomass, the stalks of wheat, corn, wood and etc eg :- celloic biofueleg :- celloic biofuel Third generation biofuelsThird generation biofuels These Biofuels are made from the algae’sThese Biofuels are made from the algae’s eg:- Algae fueleg:- Algae fuel
Advantages and Disadvantages of biofuels Advantages and Disadvantages of biofuels Advantages of biofuelsAdvantages of biofuels It is can be used as green energy It is can be used as green energy Less pollution Less pollution Decreases the global warming effect Decreases the global warming effect Disadvantages of biofuelsDisadvantages of biofuels Although corn and sugarcane are excellent attempts for reducing CO 2 pollution, they do have drawbacks. Although corn and sugarcane are excellent attempts for reducing CO 2 pollution, they do have drawbacks. Corn is not a very good source of ethanol. It takes about a gallon of gasoline just to produce a gallon of ethanol. Some experts argue that since we must use so much gasoline to make ethanol, we might as well continue to use gasoline. Corn is not a very good source of ethanol. It takes about a gallon of gasoline just to produce a gallon of ethanol. Some experts argue that since we must use so much gasoline to make ethanol, we might as well continue to use gasoline. Corn is also a food crop. By using corn for fuel, we reduce the amount of food Corn is also a food crop. By using corn for fuel, we reduce the amount of food
Okay, I’m convinced Biofuels can help save the planet, now what? Help spread the word! We need to act fast in order to stop global warming before it is too late. Biofuels are one way to tremendously help reduce our carbon dioxide air pollution. Help spread the word! We need to act fast in order to stop global warming before it is too late. Biofuels are one way to tremendously help reduce our carbon dioxide air pollution. You can help Collective Roots promote biofuels by supporting their bio-diesel van. Collective Roots is raising money to purchase a van so that we can inform more people - just like you – about the advantages of using biofuels! You can help Collective Roots promote biofuels by supporting their bio-diesel van. Collective Roots is raising money to purchase a van so that we can inform more people - just like you – about the advantages of using biofuels!