Alexander Wechsler Wechsler Consulting GmbH & CO. KG SESSION CODE: WEM201
Flexibility regarding form factors Very good support for peripheral devices Ability to configure & fine-tune Optimal user interface & display technologies Support for non-standard input devices Very good connectivity options Robustness High availability Manageability in field Power awareness
It is all about Efficiency, Efficiency, Efficiency Fast time to market Ease of use Complete tool chain Wide availability Standard conformity Extensibility (no-closed box) Built-in manageability
Scenario Challenges
Links WES 7 Offering: Native WiFi
Harsh environments, large areas to cover Scenario Challenges
Links WES 7 Offering
Scenario Challenges
WES 7 Offering
DeviceClient Service Hello! Bye! Probe Probe: Printer ProbeMatch: Hey, I’m a printer! Resolve Resolve: Got an endpoint? ResolveMatch: Sure do! Metadata Exchange
Windows API Code pack: DPWS: DF97B10280B7/Introducing_DPWS.pdf DF97B10280B7/Introducing_DPWS.pdf.NET Framework 4.0: Native Code for Windows 7: Links
Scenario Challenges
WES 7 Offering
Cross-browser Cross-platform Cross-device Plug-in for building and delivering the next generation of.NET based Media experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web
Gadgets: VS 2010: Silverlight: Expression: Touch Pack for Win 7: microsoft-touch-pack-for-windows-7.aspx microsoft-touch-pack-for-windows-7.aspx Links
Scenario Challenges
Power Management WES 7 Offering: Embedded Enabling Features (EEFs)
Overlay Original Disk
Windows Embedded Standard: Power Management Whitepaper: 38e9ebac1677/windows7_power_management_whitepaper.pdf 38e9ebac1677/windows7_power_management_whitepaper.pdf Power Management Blog post: Links
Scenario Challenges
WES 7 and Microsoft Offerings
PowerShell: WAIK: 39c26d3b3b34&displaylang=en 39c26d3b3b34&displaylang=en System Center: Links
Contoso wants to be able to have advanced troubleshooting capabilities built into the infrastructure. In addition they want to have the means to provide procative support. Scenario Challenges
WES 7 Offering GUICMD Windows Troubleshooting Run-time Engine Windows PowerShell Runtime Results and Report Get-Diaginput Update-DiagReport Update-DiagRootCause Write-DiagProgress Process 2 Process 1 PowerShell ScriptsPlatform Cmdlets Windows Troubleshooting Pack
Diagnostics overview: Trouble Shooting platform: Links
In some cases (e.g. for digital signage) Contoso wants to leverage bandwith-aware and robust technologies to distribute content. Scenario Challenges
WES 7 and SVR 2008 offerings
Branch cache: Peer-To-Peer: Links
In all scenarios, security is an essential part of the solution and ideally should be an integral part of the application platform Scenario Challenges
WES 7 Offering
Win 7 Security overview: Biometric Framework API: Links
Scenario Challenges
WES 7 Offering (EEFs)
Customizing WES: standard-2011.aspx standard-2011.aspx Links
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