Homelessness New York City
Facts New York City homelessness has reached it’s highest levels since the Great Depression. As of April 2015 there are 59,285 homeless people, including 14,132 homeless families with 24,267 homeless children (72% up since 2005. ) According to research a large majority of compared to family homelessness are adults with sever mental health problems.
Race and Ethnicity Stats
Solutions Permanent supportive housing: Introduced in New York in the 1980’s and it is considered affordable housing geared towards single adults living with HIV/AIDS, Mental Health and other illness. Federal housing : According to research it is the most successful housing program. It provides low-income households reducing homelessness.
Looking forward The lack of funding has greatly affected New York City. Funding was withheld in 2014 due to poor health conditions in over 16 shelters. Shelters are over-crowded and funding for new shelters are not a option. $100 million was provided in 2014 to repair shelters
Citations Coalition for the Homeless. (n.d.). Retrieved June 23, 2015, from http://www.coalitionforthehomeless.org/ Dawsey, J. (2015, May 13). State Withholds Funds From Some New York City Homeless Shelters; Cuomo administration cites poor conditions in 16 shelters. Wall Street Journal, p. N/a.