1 What is HOPWA? HOPWA = Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS A federal grant program providing housing assistance and supportive services to low-income persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families
2 New York City EMSA NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) is the grantee for the New York City Eligible Metropolitan Statistical Area (EMSA) 5 Boroughs of New York City Lower Hudson Valley Putnam County Rockland County Westchester County 2009 HOPWA grant award of $52.6M
3 New York City’s HOPWA Program DOHMH Housing Placement Assistance Supportive Housing (Congregate/Scattered-Site) Rental Assistance Housing Preservation & Development (HPD) Capital Development HRA: HIV/AIDS Services Administration (HASA) Supportive Housing (Congregate/Scattered-Site) Support Services
4 HIT Benefits Client-Level Data Collection Movement from Paper to Electronics Scenario Planning Ability to use real-time data Analyses of Data Enhanced ability to track and measure Access to Care using eCOMPAS and HARS data sources. Reporting Tools Required federal reports
5 Vignettes What were we faced with.
6 Vignettes What we did.
7 Vignettes What we achieved.