OVER USED OVER THE COUNTER DRUGS Cough medicine Pain relievers Caffeine medicines Energy drinks Diet pills Laxatives Motion sickness pills Sexual performance pills Pseudoephedrine Dextromethorphan
TOP 4 MISUSED Cough medicines Pain relievers Energy Drinks Diet Pills
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COMMON ABUSERS AND NECESSARY USE Necessary Necessary use would be only use the medication when needed. Abused Abused use is when your body thinks it has to have the medicine because you have over taken the medication.
WHAT IS COUGH MEDICINE (or linctus, in syrup form) meant to be used to relieve dry, hacking coughs with colds and flu.
Official Names Benadry Lortab Mucinex Mucinex DM Street Names Candy C-C-C Dex MD Drex Red Devils Robo Skittles kids /
EFFECTS higher doses cause "stoning“ low blood pressure slow or stopped breathing blurred vision rapid heart beating Seizures or death, in some cases
STATISTICS about 3.1 million people (age 12-25) 5.3% of this age have used OTC cough medicines at least once in their life
AGES Mostly teens, there is not certain gender that does it.
People can get high by taking large doses of any over the counter (OTC) drug that includes dextromethorphan (DXM). DXM is an active cough suppressant found in many over-the-counter cough and cold medications. To get high, people ingest large doses of OTC drugs, which can put them in danger. So when people chase the euphoric feeling, altered judgment or hallucinations on DXM, other effects can also result (especially if the DXM is used in combination with decongestants). These include brain damage, increased heart rate and blood pressure, nausea and vomiting, and loss of coordination. Extra Info.
WHAT ARE PAIN RELIEVERS (an analgesic, or pain killer) a member of the group of drugs used to achieve analgesic-relief of pain.
OTHER NAMES FOR PAIN RELIEVERS/ STREET NAMES Pain killers Pain pills Candy Syrup Devils Skittles Rojo Bayer
SOME TYPES OF PAIN RELIEVERS Aspirin Tylenol Advil Ibuprofen Motrin Aleve
EFFECTS OF BEING ADDICTED TO PAIN RELIEVERS Sedation - usually associated with short term use. Lack of coordination - again usually short term. Altered states of consciousness - more likely in short term. Gastrointestinal complaints, such as nausea (short term) and diarrhea (short term) and constipation (long term). Depressed respiration - high dose, acute. Changes in blood pressure or heart rate - short and long term. Changes in appetite - more likely short term. Interactions with other drugs and alcohol - short and long term. Tolerance and dependence - long term. Symptoms associated with withdrawal - longer term (Again differing with each drug) including anxiety, depression, seizures, tremor and insomnia.
WHAT ARE ENERGY DRINKS A type of beverage containing stimulant drugs, chiefly caffeine, which is marketing as pervading mental and physical simulation.
ENERGY DRINK NAMES (MOST POPULAR) Monster Red bull Amp Rock star 5 Hour Energy Espresso Energy Street King Reload
EFFECTS OF DRINKING ENERGY DRINKS Increase in heart rate Insomnia Head aches Increased anxiety Seizures Damage in brain function If to many are drank it can kill you
COMMON ABUSERS There's not really a certain age, gender, etc. Lots of people drink energy drinks. --People who work --Kids/teens who go to school --Anyone who thinks they need more energy
Figure 1 Table. Energy Drink-Related Emergency Department (ED) Visits, by Year: 2005 to 2011 YearNumber of ED Visits , , , ** 16, , ** 15, ** 20,783 Emergency Visits from energy drinks
WHAT ARE DIET PILLS? (anti-obesity or weight loss drug) is a pill the reduces or controls weight.
OFFICIAL AND STREET NAMES FOR DIET PILLS Official Names Tenuate Dospan Tepanil Street Names Methamphetamine Speed Crank
EFFECTS OF USING DIET PILLS Increase your risk for heart attack or stroke Mood swings Headaches Causes stomach to be upset
PEOPLE WHO USE DIET PILLS Mostly females Ages: Mostly high school students around 19 or 20 years 20% of females use diet pills
STATISTICS FOR DIET PILLS 84.6 of teenager females use or have used diet pills, of 2500 teenage males their rates was half of the females
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