A Combat Support Agency Defense Information Systems Agency Model Based Systems Engineering and Systems Modeling Language Chris Gedo Chief, Architecture Branch Enterprise Engineering Directorate DoDAF Plenary January 5, 2012
A Combat Support AgencyOverview Motivation Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Overview Architecting with MBSE Systems Modeling Language (SysML) relationship to the DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF) DISA’s transition to MBSE & SysML 2
A Combat Support AgencyMotivation Develop an integrated architecture for critical portions of the Global Information Grid (GIG) –Comprehensive Includes all essential capabilities Applies to all DoD Components –Based on rigorous Systems Engineering principles Such as those espoused by DoD 5000, INCOSE, etc. Traditional development practices have not produced the desired results for complex, large scale IT problems –Current artifacts do not routinely address critical analysis details Imprecise descriptions lead to different interpretations of the artifacts –Focus is on generating artifacts rather than the underlying data Improved techniques could facilitate better analysis We Need to Understand How Systems Work 3
A Combat Support Agency MBSE Overview Models use common data sets –Provides a consistent view of the architecture –Can lead directly to system specifications & test plans –Reduces systems integration and testing risks –Promotes traceability –Makes it possible to identify gaps and overlaps –Facilitates model reuse and integration Uses a standards-based modeling language –Defines architectures that can be simulated with standard tools –Models can be used with many standards compliant automation tools Automation tools are used to generate artifacts –Less labor intensive to generate & update Structure Behavior Requirements Parametric Integrated Architectural Model 4
A Combat Support Agency Architecting With Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Use existing, proven architecting process Create models rather than developing documents Use automation tools to generate routine artifacts directly from the models SysML provides 9 different types of diagrams to represent the architecture, which can be used to develop solutions 4 behavioral 4 Structural 1 Cross-Cutting 5
A Combat Support Agency Systems Modeling Language International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) defined the Unified Modeling Language (UML) for Systems Engineering strategy in January 2001 INCOSE partnered with the Object Management Group (OMG) in July 2001 to develop the language OMG published Systems Modeling Language (SysML) version 1.0 specification in June 2006 SysML v1.0 specification defines 9 types of diagrams that map directly to DoDAF models Reports can be generated from the SysML models that are consistent with DoDAF matrix artifacts 6
A Combat Support Agency SysML Relationship to DoDAF 26 DoDAF models map directly to the 9 SysML diagram types –DoDAF models are indicated in the red text below 26 DoDAF matrix artifacts (e.g., TV-1) are reports that can be generated directly from SysML models 7
A Combat Support Agency DoDAF Data Elements DoDAF MetaModel (DM2) defines DoDAF data elements and the relationships among them The Unified Profile for DoDAF/MODAF (UPDM) is a SysML profile that makes it possible to develop SysML models using DoDAF or MODAF terminology –UPDM Domain Metamodel (DMM) defines UPDM elements and the relationships among them –UPDM includes an element by element mapping between DM2 and the UPDM DMM * DoDAF-DM2 TermUPDM Profile element activity activityPartOfCapabilityActivityPartOfCapability activityPartOfProjectTypeActivityPartOfProject activityPerformableUnderCondition instance of a MeasureActualMeasurement OrganizationActualOrganization portPartOfPerformerImplicit in SysML activityConsumesResourceConveyed tag on System and FunctionEdges, implicit through direction *Sample Mapping from UPDM Spec 8
A Combat Support Agency DISA’s Transition to MBSE Actions to date –Trained the Enterprise Engineering staff on MBSE/SysML –Updating our internal systems engineering processes –Developing a common data structure so that models representing individual capabilities can be integrated –Developed a standard template for documenting DISA capabilities –Completed initial set of pilot projects to produce models & SysML artifacts for the 2012 version of the GIG Convergence Master Plan (GCMP) Planned actions –Transition remaining DISA programs & projects –Update future versions of the GCMP with SysML artifacts –Continue training DISA & DoD personnel –Develop all new capabilities using MBSE 9
A Combat Support Agency Questions? Thank you for your attention 10