It is a persistent increase of blood glucose level,it is a result of absolute or relative deficiency of insulin.
There are two types of DM: 1\Type 1 :insulin-dependent Young onset (childhood & adolescence). Pt with normal weight. Decrease blood insulin.
2\Type 2 : Non-insulin dependent. Adult onset diabetes. Risk factors :age, obesity, alcohol, diet, family history and lack of physical activity. Normal or increase blood insulin.
Excessive of urination occurs ( polyuria). Increase fluid loss lead to dehydration and excess thirst. Increase hunger feeling. Loss of wight.
Gingivitis. Alveolar bone resorption. Xerostomia. Delayed wound healing. Pulpitis in non caries tooth. Burning sensation in tongue. Acetone smell in breath. Increase of infection (Candida). Ulcers.
A plasma glucose level of 200mg\dl or more with symptoms presented. Fasting plasma glucose level 126-or more.and normal (<110mg\dl).
Exercise and diet control. Insulin : rapid, short, intermediate, long acting. Oral antidiabetic agent.
Morning appointment and short. Ensure that the patient has eaten and taken medication. Blood glucose controlling (measured before beginning ). Prophylactic antibiotics (established infection,major surgery, pre operation contamination wound).
During treatment there complication of DM are : hypoglycemia( most complication). Hyperglycemia.
Signs: Headache. Confusion. Hunger. Weakness. Sweating. Tachycardia, cool and pale. Consequence in unconsciousness, hypotension, seizures', coma even death.
Management: Maintain airway. Keep pt supine. 15 grams of fast-acting oral carbohydrate. Measured blood sugar. Loss of conscious 25-30ml 50%dextrose solution I.V over 3min period. Glucagon 1mg. Assess vital signs. Call ambu lance.
Signs : nausea. Vomiting. Abdominal pain. Acetone odor. Management: Need medication intervention and insulin.
Symptoms: Decrease urine out put 70% Edema. Mental changes. Heart failure. Nausea, vomiting. Anemia. Cool, pale, moist skin..
Taste and smell ammonia. Stomatitis (ulcer). Gingivitis. Decrease salivary flow ( high caries rate). Parotitis.
Dialysis: It diffuse harmful waste out of body. 3-4 times a week and take 2-4 hours. (machine filters blood and return it to body ).
Determine dialysis schedule & treat on the day after dialysis. Consult with the patient physician for antibiotics prophylaxis. Avoid taking blood pressure measurement,injection of medication on the arm with (shunt). Allow pt to walk or stand during procedures. Take hepatitis precaution if un able to screen for hepatitis.
Note: The bleeding is the most commonly affect patient after periodontal or surgery treatment We can use anti fibrinolytic agent in the form of mouth wash or soaked gauze on bleeding site.
That include: Liver cirrhosis. Jaundice.
1) reduced drug detoxication e.g. sedative, analgesic, general anesthesia. 2) Bleeding disorders due to decrease clotting factors, excess fibrinolysis,decrease vitamin K absorption. 3) Transmission of viral hepatitis. Recommendation to dental practitioners: HBV vaccination for all staff. Protocols: hand wash before Tx. Routine use of gloves and protective eyes wear. Using masks & gowns. Heat sterilizing hand pieces between pt. Disposable instrument or individual instrument for each patient.
Medical consultation. Avoid drugs metabolized in liver: L.A (lidocaine )& G.A (caused bleeding). Sedatives (valium). Antibiotics (ampicillin). Analgesics (aspirin). recommended to give pt VIT K (10 mg/day before surgery).
Thyroid function : produce T3 and T4 which regulate the body metabolic rate and increase protein synthesis. Types of thyroid disease : 1\hyper thyrodism. 2\hypo thyrodism.
Symptoms : Nervousness. Anxiety. Heat intolerance. Fatigue. Weight loss. Palpitations. Rapid heart beat. Worm moist skin. Diarrhea. aOpthlmopathy : edema & inflammation of the extra ocular muscles.
Beta blockers (propranalol). Subtotal \radioactive iodine. Dental management : Recognize signs & symptoms. Patient un treated or incompletely treated are very sensitive to epinephrine (adrenaline) do not administer.
Symptoms: Increase sensitivity to cold. Constipation. over weight. Weakness. Dry hair & skin. Puffy eyelids. Moving & thinking slowly.
T4 ( thyroxin). Dental treatment : Recognize signs & symptoms.