INTRODUCTION Jane Hart - Project Officer Oksana Bolgarova- Cartwright - Role Analyst Wanda Kirby - Role Analyst Tony Aldridge – Role Analyst Stephen Storey – Role Analyst HERA Project Office Team Based in the Personnel Department
HERA What is HERA? HERA: What are the likely effects? Why are we carrying the exercise out? Your line manager’s role Your role in this
WHAT IS HERA? A job evaluation scheme A means of analysing jobs in order to decide their size and worth A means of achieving: HERA = Higher Education Role Analysis EQUAL PAY FOR WORK OF EQUAL VALUE
WHAT IS HERA: history. Developed by Educational Competences Consortium Ltd - ECC Group of 6 Universities More than 10 years since started Piloted and tested – throughout Britain Including Swansea as part of the pilot and the pan Wales (HEFCW funded) Feasibility Study
WHAT IS HERA: a little bit more Numerical score; Compare two totally different jobs by their job size; HERA does this by looking at the competencies required to do your job (14 areas of competency) – issues such as: communication – at what level do you have to communicate, frequency. HERA MEASURES THE SIZE OF A JOB OR ROLE
WHY WE ARE CARRYING OUT THE EXERCISE? UCEA - Universities and Colleges Employers Association – of which we are a member, is asking all member Institutes to move to a single pay spine scale UCEA agreed with TU that this must be done in conjunction with an analytical job evaluation scheme – in order to ensure that we achieve: Equal pay for work of equal value HERA is an analytical job evaluation scheme
WHY WE ARE CARRYING OUT THE EXERCISE? Harbouring no bias or prejudice in our salary structure Not paying women less than men – for the same work – of an equal value Not paying people with disabilities less Not paying people from ethnic minorities less Fair pay – within the Institution Little option - legislation
TIMESCALE We will conduct the HERA exercise in two parts : PART TWO IMPLEMENTATION actually assimilating staff onto the new pay spine PART ONE DATA GATHERING Wales received funding only recently and we envisage implementation sometime in 2007.
THE GRADING STRUCTURE Grade 1 Grade 5 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 2 £ HERA score
WHAT ARE THE LIKELY EFFECTS? TO YOU: TO YOU: When implementation takes place: There will be some movement in salaries – it is likely that some people’s salaries will go up and some down It is envisaged that the VAST MAJORITY OF PEOPLE’S SALARIES WILL MOVE LITTLE IF AT ALL For those who go down there will be some protection and ways of avoiding a salary decrease will be looked at, eg, perhaps the job can be increased to match the salary level.
WHAT ARE THE LIKELY EFFECTS? TO THE UNIVERSITY: Expensive exercise – experience has always been that the salary bill goes up The cost of achieving implementation is considerable, eg, new appointments have been made, involve staff time Avoid expensive court cases based on discrimination Conforming to UCEA rulings and assisting in simplifying the pay bargaining round
YOUR AND YOUR LM’s ROLES IN THIS We have to gather enough data on the various grades and jobs in UWS to develop benchmark/ generic role profiles Use a percentage (about 10%) of staff to draw up benchmark profiles Guidance and assistance in completing the Questionnaire will be available Your line manager will be asked to validate your questionnaire Everyone / Job Profile YOU MAY BE ASKED TO BE A PARTICIPANT A PARTICIPANT
EVALUATION REVIEWS AND APPEALS At the point of implementation you will be given the benchmark profile that is deemed to fit your role You will have the opportunity to raise issues regarding this – informal evaluation review If the issues cannot be resolved – they will be referred to an appeals panel – formal.
YOUR COOPERATION IS IMPORTANT Your opportunity to ensure that your job is accurately and fairly represented Your opportunity to play a role in ensuring that UWS is providing ‘equal pay for work of equal value’