Exercise For Weight Loss
Current exercise trends More is better? To much of the wrong type Focus on burning calories Misconception of forcing weight loss How many calories per 1kg of body fat? Inadequate nutrition to cope with work load Overtraining
Exercise For Weight Loss Exercise needs to be strategic, not random. What should we then focus on? Complete the least amount of exercise that will provide the greatest response Create a cascade effect that will increase your insulin sensitivity and metabolism. This will then lead to sustainable consistent weight loss.
Exercise For Weight Loss What type of exercise creates insulin sensitivity? Short, intense bursts of exercise. High Intense Interval Training Recent studies are now showing that shorter intense levels of exercise promote greater fat loss than longer moderate methods of exercise 3-5, second intervals have shown to be effectively increase insulin sensitivity
Exercise For Weight Loss Olympic sprinter V’s marathon runner Sprinter runs very short distances at maximal output Marathon runner runs huge distances at moderate pace Both are lean, however the sprinter completes far less work, has more lean muscle and less body fat. This type of exercise can be completed without a gym or any equipment
Exercise For Weight Loss Sprints Body weight exercises: Push ups, Squats etc Bike or exercise bike Rowing machine Free weights Kettlebells
Exercise For Weight Loss What to keep in mind Intensity – brief but maximum output Exercises should work the whole body or large muscle groups Don’t focus on calories burnt. It’s the hormonal adaptation that is important. Increasing insulin sensitivity.
Exercise For Weight Loss How to increase lean muscle tissue? Resistance training Misconception about weight training – “I’ll get huge muscles” Gaining large amounts of lean muscle mass naturally, takes years and years of hard work and dedication. Women don’t have anywhere near the high testosterone levels of men which assists in gaining muscle. Women won’t bulk up.
Exercise For Weight Loss What should we focus on? Exercises that work multiple joints and use the largest muscle groups. The three main muscle groups should be targeted. Chest, back and legs. Arms will also be worked when training the back and chest.
Exercise For Weight Loss V’S The exercise on the left works two joints and multiple muscles of the arms, shoulders and back (Compound Exercise). The exercise on the right works one joint and muscle (Isolation Exercise). The exercise on the left is more efficient as it utilises more muscles
Exercise For Weight Loss Increasing lean muscle tissue will have a two fold effect: Weight training will help improve insulin sensitivity The increase in muscle size will result in higher metabolic rate. The extra muscle tissue will utilise more energy.
Exercise For Weight Loss When to start exercise? Quality of nutrition intake needs to be able to support level of training Exercise can place extra stress on your body Weight loss will not occur. How much exercise? 3-4 times per week – max