Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior
The Imperative to be Multinational Global trade agreements EU NAFTA Increasing exposure to other cultures Country-of-origin effects
Differences in Lifestyles and Beliefs Differences in language and meaning Verbal language Non-verbal language How consumers of a given culture think, read, and write language
Differences in market segmentation opportunities Income, SES, age, and sex of target consumers may vary dramatically between any two countries Global middle class is emerging
Differences in consumption patterns Differences in the perceived benefits of products and services Differences in the criteria for evaluating products and services
Differences in economic and social conditions and family structure Differences in marketing research conditions
Multinational Strategies World brand A product that is manufactured, packaged, and positioned in the same way in every culture in which it is sold
Adaptive global marketing Adapt advertising message to specific cultural values Adapt product to honor cultural values
Product Recognition Continuum
Framework for Alternative Global Marketing Strategies
Framework for Determining Program Standardization Target Market Market Position Nature Of Product Degree of Program Standardization Performance in Program Markets Environment Organization Factors