Environmental Education & Green Jobs
Environmental Education (EE) is a process in which individuals gain awareness of their environment and acquire knowledge, skills, values, experiences, and also the determination, which will enable them to act - individually and collectively - to solve present and future environmental problems. Why Environmental Education?
Awareness and sensitivity to the environment and environmental challenges Knowledge and understanding of the environment and environmental challenges Attitudes of concern for the environment and motivation to improve or maintain environmental quality Skills to identify and help resolve environmental challenges Participation in activities that lead to the resolution of environmental challenges Components of Environmental Education
Green is the link between the environmental movement and sustainability Green living vs. Living green What is Green?
“ integrating environmental, social and economic issues into all the decision-making processes of an organization or person.” “… development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.”* What is Sustainability? - More than Just Being Green…
What are green jobs? Reduce consumption of energy and raw materials (‘dematerialize economy’) Avoid GHG emissions (‘decarbonize economy’) Protect and restore ecosystems Minimize waste and pollution
Opportunity to create new jobs, or retraining the unemployed, in a time of economic downturn/turmoil. Developing our renewable energy resources can reduce our dependence on foreign oil, & strengthen national security. Promoting the use of domestic renewable energy resources and advanced technologies can create well-paying jobs. Energy use reduction programs can reduce tax burdens of energy- inefficient public buildings and public housing. We can mitigate/manage climate change by cutting green house gas emissions through cutting energy use. Why do we need Green jobs?
Energy Efficiency ConstructionBuilding Automation SpecialistRenewable Energy Site AssessorRenewable Energy Systems InstallerGreen Building Operator Green Landscape ProfessionalBiofuel Processing TechnicianBiogas plant operatorWind Turbine Technician Composting SpecialistWastewater Operator Green Jobs on cards
Financial Jobs Trade Renewable Energy, & Carbon Credit Trading Venture Capitalists Analyze financial impacts of sustainability issues on bottom line Analyze climate change risks for insurance industry Operations Management Sustainability Coordinator Green Processes Engineer Marketing Green Products Marketing/Sales Manager Research & Development Green Products Developer/Innovator Senior Management Chief Sustainability Officer What About Other ‘Green’ Careers?
Biggest job creation sustainability risks/opportunities are related to climate change & energy use solutions. - Behavior as important as Technology… Second largest risk/opportunity is Water, and often water & climate change issues are closely linked. The third is the shift in mainstream consumers towards ‘green’ sustainable products (and not just cars). What Business Sustainability Risks & Opportunities Are Creating Jobs?
“Sustainability, without a real business case, is mere philanthropy; without measurement, mere whimsy; without meaningful reporting to shareholders, mere public relations. Today’s best-run companies – and smartest investors – are seeing sustainability for what it truly is: a strategic business driver that will separate the winners from the losers in the next decade. “ What the Financial & Corporate Sectors Think of Sustainability
High potential sectors Energy efficiency: buildings, industry, transportRenewable energyMobility: mass transportationRecycling, waste managementSustainable agriculture and forestryEnvironmental services
India may see about 1 mn 'green jobs' by 2013 Green Jobs in India
Source: Pew Charitable Trusts, 2009, based on the National Establishment Time Series Database; analysis by Pew Center on the States and Collaborative Economics Growth potential
Source: Pew Charitable Trusts, 2009, based on the National Establishment Time Series Database; analysis by Pew Center on the States and Collaborative Economics Growth potential
Prepare students for Green JobsCreate Environmental Awareness Create an ecological intelligenceAppraise on latest trends and technologies Create practical hands of experience Promote SustainabilityIndigenous Research activities TREE Objectives
E- Learning Contact sessions Field training Training Strategy
Custom built Research program on short termCustom built Research program on long termTopic selection guidanceResearch assistanceFacility assistance Research Intiatives