Online Catalog – All About Books Click on the Media Catalog icon on your school computer desktop.
Online Catalog You may search by subject, title, or author.
Online Catalog - Search Let’s check to see if the MVHS Media Center has the Hunger Games series by entering the term Hunger Games in the search line and clicking the “GO” button.
Online Catalog Search Results The Media Center does have The Hunger Games.
Online Catalog Information If you scroll the mouse over the cover of one of the books displayed you will see more information about that book such as: the number of pages in the book the copyright date number of copies of the book in the Media Center a brief description of what the book is about
Online Catalog Information
Media Catalog Information If you double click on the cover of one of the books you will get even more information about that book.
Media Catalog Information
Check out the “You Might Also Like” feature on the right side of the page. This feature suggests books you might like if you enjoyed the book displayed. **See next slide for screen shot of this feature.
Media Catalog Information
Notice the green or red semi-circle above each screen. Green designates that the book is available and red lets you know it is already checked out.
Media Catalog Information When clicking the “Exit Destiny Quest "button you will be taken to a Different search screen.
Media Catalog Information This screen is often more helpful when you are working on a research paper for your teacher.
Important Parts of Books A Review
Call Numbers A “call number” simply tells you where a book is located in the library. The call number is found on the spine of the book
Fiction Books Fiction books are stories that are written by an author using their imagination. Fiction books are NOT TRUE. All fiction book call numbers begin with the letters FIC along with the first three letters of the author’s last name.
Fiction Books – Call Numbers For example, the call number for the book Mockingjay by Susanne Collins would be: FIC COL Any fiction book written by Nicholas Sparks would have the call number: FIC SPA
Nonfiction Books Nonfiction books are books written by an author and they contain TRUE facts. Nonfiction=NOT fiction
Nonfiction Books-Call Numbers All nonfiction book call numbers contain NUMBERS along with the first three letters of the author’s last name.
Nonfiction Book Call Number The call number for the nonfiction book titled Understanding Romeo & Juliet by Alan Hagar is: HAG
Reference Books Reference books are nonfiction which makes them TRUE facts. Reference books cover a specific topic and go into greater detail than regular nonfiction books. Reference books cannot be checked out and must be used in the Media Center.
Reference Book Call Numbers Call numbers for reference books always contain the letters REF along with numbers and the first three letters of the author’s last name.
Reference Book Call Number The call number for the reference book World Eras is: REF 940 WOR
MVHS Media Center Web Page Don’t forget to visit the MVHS Media Center Web Page at:
Media Center Orientation You should now complete the orientation questions in your packet labeled: “Media Center Orientation Online Catalog & MVHS Media Website”