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Finding Books in the City College Library
How to find a book Searching the Catalog To find a book in the City University Library system, use CUNY+, the libraries online catalog. To get to CUNY+, go to the City College Library Home Page, and select CUNY+ Catalog.City College Library Home Page
How to find a book Step One: If you want to view all books located in the City University (CUNY), then begin your search at the opening page, which is the CUNY UNION CATALOG. If you want to locate only books at the City College library, catalog click "Select Individual CUNY Libraries" and select City. You will be on the "Basic Search" page.
How to find a book Step 2: Preparing the search query. On the Basic Search page next to “TYPE KEYWORDS" is a box to enter your search query. Next to “SEARCH KEYWORDS IN" is a drop down menu to identify your search query. Select either "All Fields", "Author", "Title", or "Subject". OR Instead of KEYWORD SEARCH, a phrase may also be entered in this box. Select the appropriate answer "yes" or "no". Click Search.
Result List Titles are listed by most recent date of publication. Each title is numbered. Click the number link to view detailed information about the book.
How to find a book Step 3: Viewing the record - Result List Click this link to view the call number.
How to find a book Step 4: Call Number On the call number page take note of the Call number, as well as Item status, and Due Date. Item status will tell you if it is circulating or non- circulating. Due date will tell you if the book has been checked out, or if it is on the shelf.
How to find a book Step 5: Location of the book - Floor Location Chart - Call Numbers These are charts posted around the catalog area that gives directions to floors where books can be located. On the chart the first letter of the call number is noted. It will also give directions to the floor on which the book is located.
Location Chart
How to find a book Step 6: Understanding Call Numbers: a TutorialUnderstanding Call Numbers: a Tutorial Skip tutorial
LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CALL NUMBERS TR B The Call Number on the spine of the book tells you where to find the book on the shelves. Press space bar to continue. Press “P” to back up. Press “esc key” to end.
Academic Libraries usually use the Library of Congress Classification System, not the Dewey Decimal system. TR The first line is shelved in alphabetical order. On the library shelves you’d find books with the call number HA shelved before HB, TR would be before TS, etc The second line is a real number. You’d find 1 before 2, and before 178.9, etc...
TR B35 This line is both alphabetical and decimal. A number with.A-- would be found on the shelf before a number with.B--, B before C, etc…. But don’t forget this is a decimal number, so.B35 would be found on the shelf after.B214 and before.B This number is usually the date of the publication of the book would be found on the shelf before 1968, 1968 before 1969, etc...
Where should this book go in this sequence? BS 23.5.F578 BR 23.F466 BS 23.H4 BS F578 BS 23.7.F571 PS 3711.I76 PS 3711.F18 PS 3711.I7 PS 3711.I8 PS 3711.I975 BS 23.5.F578 PS If you got either of these wrong return to page one or continue Think of the answer before you advance the slide.
How to find a book Step 7: Finding books on the shelf On each floor there are direction signs.
How to find a book Go to the area where you will find the book
How to find a book As you walk down the aisle you will notice that each book has a label with letters and numbers. Make sure the call number that you copied from the CUNY+ catalog corresponds with the number on the book.
How to find a book Step 6: Check-out Circulating books are noted in the CUNY+ catalog as stacks. These books may be taken to the Circulation Desk for check-out.
EBSCOHOST From the City College Library homepage click the Quick Links icon to go the the City College Library Resource page.
EBSCOHOST Click the link for EBSCOHost Premier.
SEARCHING FROM HOME Fill in your address and create a password. First time users and those who have forgotten their password will be asked to enter their barcode number.
EBSCOHOST Next to each database is a check box. Scroll down the page and select the database s by selecting the check box.
EBSCOHOST Enter your terms in the Find field. You can use Boolean operators (and, or, not) with a standard search. If available, field codes and search history may be used with your search.
EBSCOHOST Additional options are available to refine your search.
EBSCOHOST Results are shown for the topic HOMELESSNES S and NEW YORK.
EBSCOHOST Each result is numbered, and the available formats for the article are displayed- – HTML full text, PDF full text, or linked full text. Click the link to display the full text or go to the next page to see more results.
EBSCOHOST PDF or HTML full text can be saved to a diskette. The PDF text can only be viewed in the Adobe Acrobat software. If the software is not available on your computer it can be downloade d from Adobe's web site.
EBSCOHOST Click this link to send the Full text to your E- MAIL account.
EBSCOHOST Enter your e- mail address and subject and click send.
EBSCOHOST Click the “ Continue “ link to return to your search results or begin a new search.
City College Library Reference Desk Additional questions concerning these and other databases can be answered at the Reference Desk.