Dewey Decimal System
Who is Dewey? It was. One of the greatest librarians of all times. I bet you're wondering who the brilliant person that came up with the idea of the Dewey Decimal System is?
Who put the Dewey in the Dewey Decimal System? established the first school for training librarians.
In 1876, he founded the American Library Association and published the first Library Journal, which included new library trends and book reviews. opened the first library school in 1887 located at Columbia University.
Fiction or Nonfiction? stories are created from the author’s imagination. Fiction books are put on the shelf in alphabetical order by the. If your last name was Cleary, you would have your books shelved in the letter “ ” for Cleary.
Fiction or Nonfiction? is the opposite of fiction. Books that are nonfiction are about real people,places,and things. Nonfiction books are shelved by their
Call Numbers A book is shelved according to it’s A call number is a group of numbers and/or letters put together to tell you where in the library to find your book. F = Fiction McD = first 3 initials of the author's last name
A call number is located at the bottom of the book on the spine. It helps you to find your books quicker. Once you've got your call number from the library catalog, you can find your book!
Let’s Look at Nonfiction Call Numbers! A Dewey call numberhas numbers to the left of the decimal.
To the right of the decimal, there is no limit on number. The more numbers you add to the right of the decimal, the more the subject is Number for commercial processing of kidney beans! McD Like we care about kidney beans! I can hardly wait to read the book!
When Melvil Dewey devised his system he created main subjects and numbers so that all nonfiction books on the same subject would be together on the shelf. He thought that this way anyone looking for anything would be able to find it easily.
The 100s have all the stuff a person would want to know about himself, like what your dreams or handwriting means, plus things like optical illusions. The are all about you! Philosophy and Psychology
Religion and Mythology Books in the explain the world and the heavens.
Social Sciences The have all kinds of information about how people live and work. You could find information about firefighters, plus things like holidays and folktales. The 300s are all about the social world.
Languages The are about languages. This includes sign language, dictionaries, and hieroglyphics.
Science and Math Everything that you would want to know about Science and Math are here. The dinosaur books, the animal books, the books about plants and planets, and science fair projects are in the !
Technology (Working Books) They are sometimes called working books because it’s where all the information you learned about in the 500s is used to make or do cool stuff. If you want to learn to grow a garden or fix your bike it’s in the.
The Arts In the, you can find books about sports, games, hobbies, and music!
Literature- The is for all the plays, poetry, and other great books people have written.
Geography, Biography, History The are where all the books about countries, famous people, and wars are kept.
Finally, Dewey had all his knowledge arranged and thought he was done, but realized that there was a whole category that he missed. So he put all of the information like newspaper, encyclopedias, and mysteries things like UFO’s and the Bermuda Triangle in the, which is pronounced zero hundreds.
9 more specific categories Dewey the decided to divide each of these 10 main sections into more specific categories. This made 100 more possible categories.
9 even more specific categories Dewey then divided each of the smaller categories into more specific categories. He even an even more precise number to identify the even smaller categories. This made a 1000 possible categories.
The Decimal Point To create the possibility of more than categories Dewey added the
Where in our library can you find the Nonfiction books?