Stage 5 Vocabulary
Derivatives & Etymology What is etymology? Etymon + logos
Agricola, agricolae, m. Meaning: farmer 1st declension masculine Related Latin words: ager (field) + colo (till) Derived English words: Agriculture, agrarian, acre
Clamor, clamoris, m. Meaning: shout, uprorar Related Latin word? Derivatives? Write as many as you can! Clamor, clamoring, clamorous, claim, acclaim, exclaim, reclaim
Fabula, fabulae, f. Meaning: story, play Related Latin word: for, fari – speak Derivatives of for/fabula? Fabulous, fable, confabulate, fairy, infant, confess, preface, professional, nefarious Fabulam ago – act in a play
Femina, feminae, f. Meaning: woman Derivatives? Feminine, effeminate, female, f
iuvenis, iuvenis, m. Meaning: Young Man Derivatives? Juvenile, rejuvenate, junior
Puella, puellae, f. Meaning: girl Related Latin word: puer (boy) Puella = little boy Derivative of puer: puerile
Senex, senis, m. Meaning: Old man Derivatives? Senile, senator, senior, sir
Turba, turbae, f. Meaning: Crowd Derivatives? Turbulent, disturb, perturb, trouble
Urbs, urbis, f. Meaning: city Derivatives? Urban, suburban, urbane, urbanity, urbanization
Adsum, adesse Related Latin words: ad, sum Literal meaning: be at, be near Our meaning: be here or be present
Ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi, ambulatus Meaning: walk English derivatives? Ambulance, amble, preamble, somnambulant, circumambulate
Audio, audire, audivi, auditus Meaning: hear English derivatives? Audio, auditory, auditorium, obedient, audition, audit, (in)audible, audience
Contendo, contendere, contendi, contentus Meaning: hurry Related Latin word: tendo, stretch Derivatives of tendo? Tendon, contentious, intend, extend, attend, attention, detention, tense, tent, tendency
Curro, currere, cucurri, cursurus Meaning: run Derivatives? Current, corridor, concur, courier, occur, incursion, discourse
Peto, petere, petivi, petitus Meaning: look for, ask for, seek out, attack Derivatives Compete, repetitive, perpetual, impetus, petulant
Plaudo, plaudere, plausi, plausus Meaning: clap, applaud Derivatives? applaud (derp), plausible, explode
Specto, spectare, spectavi, spectatus Meanings: Look at, watch Related Latin word: circumspecto Derivatives? Spectator, spectacle, specter, retrospect, inspect, circumspect, special, specific
Sto, stare, steti, status Meaning: stand Derivatives? Stationary, stable, stance, stanza, resist, solstice, obstacle, circumstance, distant
Venio, venire, veni, venturus Meaning: comes Derivatives? Convene, invent, adventure, prevent, avenue, event, eventual
Multus, multa, multum Meaning: much (singular), many (plural) Example: I have much money. I have many coins. Derivatives? Multiply, multitude, multilingual, multimedia
Ubi Meaning: where (or when) Derivative: ubiquitous!