Falling Share of Food in Consumer Spending and the Poverty Question Utsa Patnaik January 2012
1. Ogive of Persons by MPCE Levels, Rural 1983
2. Daily per capita Calorie Intake by MPCE Rural 1983
3. Ogive of Persons by MPCE levels, Rural
4.Daily per capita Calorie Intake by MPCE, Rural
5. Share of Food, and Miscellaneous Goods and Services, in MPCE, percent
6. All-India Rural Poverty Trends 1983 to NSS Round50th61st66th Direct Poverty Line DPL, Kcal 2.Official Poverty Line OPL, Rs (414)650 3.Direct Poverty Ratio DPR, % Official Poverty Ratio OPR, % (41.8)37 5.Calorie OPL (1950) Deficit of Calorie Intake from norm (-450)-520
7. Official and Direct Poverty Lines, Rural, to
8. Official and Direct Poverty Percentages, Rural, to
9. Declining Calorie Intake at Official Poverty Lines, Rural, to
10 All-India Urban Poverty Trends, 1983 to ROUND NO: ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ Direct Poverty Line, 1.MPCE giving 2100 Kcal,Rs (DPL 2100)Rs ,000 2.Percent of Persons below Direct PL Indirect official 3.Official Poverty Line OPL Rs Percent of Persons below Official PL Calorie intake at Official PL Deviation from RDA of 2100 Kcal Ratio of DPL to OPL
11. Official and Direct Poverty Lines, Urban
12 Official and Direct Poverty Percentages,Urban
13. Declining Calorie Intake at Official Poverty Lines, Urban