Topic: Travel Use of the First and Second Conditional Warm up: ‘If you could go anywhere in Europe, where would you go?
A Conditional is a sentence or clause which expresses a condition. It usually begins with: When Unless If (the most common) A condition is what must happen in order for something else to happen.
We use the first conditional to talk about possible future events Structure: If + Simple present + Will OR- Will + If + Simple Present. *Note that other modal verbs (shall, can, may) are also sometimes used. Example: Conditional clause Main (result) Clause If Daniel has a good class, he will be very happy.
We use the second conditional when talking about future events that are unlikely to happen. Structure: If + Simple Past + Would + Base Form OR: Would + Base Form + If + Simple Past Example: If I won a million dollars, I would buy a Lotte Castle apartment in Gangnam. *It can also be used to present something contrary to the facts: If he worked less, he wouldn’t be so tired. (He works a lot, so he is exhausted)
You can also use the modal verbs should, could or might which also indicate a hypothetical (imaginary/unreal) situation, as well as would. Special Rule: The verb BE Instead of using ‘was’- he was, she was, I was, they were, you were; we use- I were, he/she were etc. Using ‘ were ’ as the only form indicates that it is not a real situation. Eg- If I were you, I would go to Jeju Island.
First conditional: A very common error is to put ‘will’ in the if-clause: If you will study hard, you will get a good grade. (Remove will ) Second Conditional: A very common error is to put ‘would’ in the if-clause: If you would study more, your English would improve. (incorrect) If you studied more, your English would improve (correct)
In pairs, ask and answer the following questions using the first or second conditional: (10 mins) 1) If you go to Europe, what will you see? 2) If you could try any European food, what would you eat? 3) If you go to London, what will you do? 4) If you went to Europe, who would you choose to go with, and why?