Technology Navigator Reports Reporting Solutions for the Financial Institution Industry
Technology Navigator Founded to meet the Critical Business Intelligence needs of Credit Unions and other Financial Institutions With methods to pull this data seamlessly.
Board Reports Executive Strategic Planning Management Analysis Activity / Operating Reports Auditing Trends Technology Navigator Reports
High-results for Executives quick and easy access to data capable of analyzing on your laptop during meetings Low-impact for IT lessen the number of recalls for information many iterations available using the reports Scheduler provides automated access to the reports for users
The reports needed to have … Ease of Use Very High Presentation Level Details for Research and Trends for these reports to be effective and vital to the business intelligence work processes.
The IT footprint is light Access real-time data No dedicated server equipment required Minimal cost to deploy Minimal training to deploy Automate report generation & distribution of reports
The IT footprint is light ODBC connectivity readily accessible from the core a low cost VIEWER accesses our reports as well as any Crystal Reports loaded on the local drive to access the reports on the share drive Installation turnaround time is fast a SCHEDULER tool used to run reports save with data or reports
Institution Value Proposition All levels rely on the same information: To Answer Business Critical Questions With Minimal Effort / Quick Results Presented with the appropriate amount of Detail With Real Time Access Technology Navigator Reports
Manage the asset quality of the institution. Loan Risk Cube Report Analysis of loan risk ratings of the portfolio provides a tool for mitigating risk determining risk based lending pricing determining controls for lending → criteria, type, collateral, risk, officer and acceptance.
Overall Trends for Risk Loan Portfolio Trends Graphical Overview Executive Management Operating Portfolio Analysis at the Approved Loan Groups Level Controls for Lending ALCO for Rates Marketing for Market Strategy Insight Retail for Situation Analysis Loan Risk Cube Report
How much risk is in my loan portfolio, by loan group and detailed by loan type? – Which holds the largest risk? When were loans approved and what is the risk associated? How much risk is in each loan type and when was it approved? How much risk is in each loan group, when was it approved? Which loan groups have the most delinquency? Is the risk concentration in a specific branch? Business questions answered: Loan Risk Cube Report
Advanced reporting for managing loans, portfolio rates and loan applications – Loan Application Cube Report Analysis of loan applications gives the information to forecast potential loans forecast loan portfolio performance determine lending criteria and internal controls
Overall Trends for Lending Loan Groups Acceptance Graphical Overview Executive Management Operating Controls for lending Loan Group criteria analysis Asset Quality analysis ALCO for rates acceptance Marketing for applicant trends Retail for pipelines Loan Application Cube Report
Which branch is receiving loan applications, who received the loan application and who approved the disbursed loans? What risk groups are present, where did they apply (which branch) and for what loan type did they apply? What status are the loan applications by risk and loaded operator? - the pipeline report Who approved the loans funded at a branch and for which loan type? What are the average loan size, term, debt ratio and acceptance for the month? quarter? year? Business questions answered: Loan Application Cube Report
Advanced reporting for managing deposits portfolio through certificates maturing – Certificate Maturity Cube Report Analysis of certificates maturing gives the information to Determine what value and rates are maturing Average rollover by type of certificate Utilize information to review rates, portfolio size and determine specials and rates
Overall Trends for Certificates Certificate Groups Acceptance Graphical Overview Executive Management Operating Controls for deposit offerings Certificate Group maturity and rollover analysis ALCO for rates acceptance Marketing for certificate holder trends Retail for deposit retention action plans Certificate Maturity Cube Report
What rates are maturing, what age group is involved, what is the average rollover by certificate group? What certificate types are maturing, by week during next month grouped by value? Who holds the largest certificate maturing next week, the number of times rolled over and rate? When are IRAs, specials or regular certificates maturing, who owns them and the number of times rolled over? Business questions answered: Certificate Maturity Cube Report
Advanced reporting for deposit accounts. Analysis includes the type of new member deposits opened over time including Client Branch Operator Account type Deposit Accounts Analysis Report
Overall Trends Graphical Overview Executive Management Operating Deposit Overall & Group analysis Graphic overall & detail deposit review Operator and Branch details ALCO portfolio analysis Deposit management reviews Deposit Accounts Analysis Report
Advanced reporting for deposit accounts. Analysis includes the type of new member deposits opened over time including Client Branch Operator Account type Deposit Accounts Analysis Report
Which deposit accounts were opened? How many new memberships have been opened? Which branch has the most new deposit accounts? Where are the most accounts being closed? Who is opening the most new deposit accounts? What deposit specials are being accepted the most and at which branch? What is the trend for new checking accounts? Business questions answered: Deposit Accounts Analysis Report
Manage the staffing needs of the institution through analysis of the activity performed at the institution level. Branch-level - Forecast Staffing Needs, Trends, determine Lobby Automated Tendencies and Internal Control Restrictions Staff Level Activity Operator Level provides Activity Trends. Branch & Operator Report
Overall Trends for Departments Graphical Overview Executive Management Operating Institution activity trends Site management analysis Automated services analysis Marketing for activity concentration Retail for scheduling and operator level reviews Branch & Operator Report
How many transactions were performed at my branches, by whom and what is the average for that hour of the day? When should I staff my branch? What is the average transactions performed by operators, by branch, by month? When do members use their ATM, Voice Response, or web access? Business questions answered: Branch & Operator Report
Advanced reporting for managing loan quality with our loan quality cube Delinquency. Analysis provides the risk and quality control exceptions for loan groups as well as individual loans. forecast potential loans forecast loan portfolio performance determine lending criteria and internal controls. Delinquency Cube Report
Overall Trends - Asset Quality & Delinquency Graphical Overview Executive Management Operating Lending Overall & Group analysis Graphic overall & detail Risk and Officer review Collections specific detail information ALCO portfolio analysis Lending management reviews Delinquency Cube Report
How much risk is in my delinquent loan portfolio, by loan group and detailed by loan type? When were loans approved, what is the risk associated and the delinquent days aging? How many days delinquent, and how much is in each loan group and loan type? Who are those with delinquent loans by age and where do they live? Who approved the delinquent loan by member branch by risk level? Is the risk model we use to approve loans reflected as expected? Business questions answered: Delinquency Cube Report
Advanced reporting for managing loan quality with our loan quality cube Charge Off. Analysis provides the risk and quality control exceptions for loan groups as well as individual loans. Loss review Loan portfolio performance Determine lending criteria and internal controls. Charge Off Cube Report
Overall Trends - Asset Quality & Charge Off Graphical Overview Executive Management Operating Charge Off and Recoveries Management Graphic overall & detail Risk and Charge Off review Collections specific detail information ALCO portfolio analysis Lending management reviews Charge Off Cube Report
Which risk levels have charge offs, by loan group and detailed by loan type? When were loans approved, what is the risk associated and the loan lifespan? How much is in each loan group and loan type? Who are those with charged off loans by age and where do they live? Who approved the charged off loan by member branch by risk level? Is the risk model we use to approve loans reflected as expected? Business questions answered: Charge Off Cube Report
We have written Custom Reports on subjects including Dealer Loan Applications Dealer Delinquency and Charge Off Account Trends and Research Contact us about your reporting needs. Technology Navigator Reports
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