CardioVision = Hospital Monitoring + Holter ECG….....
At The Same Time Hospital Monitoring + Holter ECG……….
300-2W Wi-Fi Transmitter WiFi for compatibility with all hospitals. Battery life in excess of 90-hours. Standard Alkaline AA batteries. Single WiFi device simultaneously performs both tasks of Hospital Patient Monitoring and Holter ECG. Standard AP units allow unlimited ECG range in the hospital.
One (1) PC Computer with Two (2) Monitor Displays
Real-Time Hospital Monitoring Because of the second monitor, no screen displays overlay the Real-Time ECG. Each patient can be a single or dual channel ECG. Or a 1-Lead ECG with a mini Full Disclosure. The Heart Rate and Patient Info is shown on the left side. The right side includes many different analysis display options for each patient: such as; ST, Heart Rate, VE, SVE, and Pauses. There can also be a two-box analysis display of many HRV analysis options At the end of each minute, the ECG data for each patient is auto-sent to the Holter section of the PC’s hard disk drive; thus, simultaneous Real-Time and Holter ECG.
Instant Access to Full Disclosure Full Disclosure is seen instantly for any patient on the second monitor display. Any time period during a 3- day time period is instantly accessed and seen in the Full Disclosure ECG mode. The CV Page Scan Full Disclosure works exactly the same as in Holter. Enlarged ECG displays and ECG Strips can be viewed and printed at any time. Full Disclosure can be built in the real-time ECG mode on the second monitor
ECG only, or Multi-Parameter Note the Multi- Parameter data on patients 2 and 5. This display is for demo purposes only. The Multi-Parameter functions are ECG, Blood Pressure, SPO2, Respiration, and Temperature. The Multi-Parameter bedside monitor is hard wire from the patient to the bedside monitor, and then WiFi from the bedside monitor to the nurses station.
Alarms & Alerts Patient 2 had a Block. The Red color denotes the long R-R interval. At the bottom, the Alarm-Alert box shows the “Pause Alarm” The Pause and V-Tach Alarms are always in the “ON” mode. The other Alarms are optional, and are selected in the Settings menu. To instantly view the Alarm, click on the Alarm at the bottom.
Alarms & Alerts 5.3-second Block. All enlarged Strips are shown on the second monitor, so that there are no data displays covering the Real- Time ECG for any of the 8-patients. 2-Lead ECG for Real-Time ECG, and 3-Lead ECG for Holter mode. Standard 12-Lead ECG for any patient with BlueTooth Transmitter.
Quick ECG Review of All Alarms for Each Individual Patient In the lower left corner, you can see the listing of Alarms for the Bed 2 patient. You can quickly review the actual ECG of all of the Alarms by mouse clicks on each of the listed events. The mouse click on each of the listed ECG events will instantly display the enlarged ECG Strip. This R-R interval is 5.5 seconds.
Alarms & Alerts with Full Disclosure & ECG Strips
Holter view of same ECG The single WiFi transmitter acquires the ECG data for both the Real- Time ECG and Holter ECG. Holter ECG is in the same format as the CardioScan 12. Holter ECG is updated at the end of each minute of Real- Time ECG.
PDA or Smart Phone for Remote Alarms and/or Bedside Monitor All Alarms and Alerts are auto-sent to the nurse’s or doctor’s PDA/Smart Phone. For example; at 3:00 AM in the morning the nurse is not at the central nurses station when an Alarm occurs. The remote located nurse is instantly alerted by the PDA/Smart Phone, and the actual ECG alarm is shown to the remote located nurse. When the nurse or doctor is at the patient’s bedside, simply press number 1 thru 8 to see the real-time ECG for the patient.
3-Day Trends for Instant Access for All Patients Trends of: Heart Rate A-Fib V-Tach VE beats ST Pauses (Blocks)
3-Day Trends for Instant Access for All Patients Each patient display on first monitor shows the 3- day Trends on the second monitor at the same visual level. Use the bar slide to see all trends in 10-seconds. Color bars show the location of Pauses, V-Tachs, & VE beats. A-Fib shows on the Heart Rate trend. ST Events in excess of 1.0 mm are shown in the red color. Mouse click at any location in 3-day trend and instantly see the Full Disclosure and large ECG Strip.
And, Every Minute the Patient’s ECG is also Updated in the Holter ECG mode CardioScan 12 Holter ECG. No need for any Holter ECG recorder for patients being monitored in the hospital. The single WiFi transmitter does it all. Separate CS-12 security key for Holter lab somewhere else in the hospital. Thus, Holter editing can be done at Central Nurses Station or the Holter ECG Lab.
All Hospital Holter ECG Systems are now Truly OBSOLETE Why wait 1 or 2 days for the Holter editing to know the true ECG status of the patient ?? If the patient has a V- Tach after 5-hours of monitoring, the combo Real-Time/Holter ECG (CardioVision) will instantly give the doctor this vital information. Also, why would any hospital want to do Real- Time ECG monitoring without all the diagnostic advantages of the Holter ECG function being performed each and every minute ??
CardioVision OBSOLETES all Hospital ECG Patient Monitoring and Hospital Holter ECG Monitoring The CardioVision includes a CS-12 key for the hospital’s Holter lab. When patient’s leave the hospital, the physician has no knowledge of any adverse patient reaction to the prescribed medication. Using the 300-4B, the patient can internet-send the 24- Holter ECG each day to the CS-12 PC in the hospital’s Holter Lab. Thus, for the first time the physician receives the complete Home Holter ECG each day.
Home Internet Holter ECG = Continuing The Same High Quality Daily ECG Monitoring from Hospital to Home The Home Internet Satellite Holter ECG technology solves the traditional weakness of Holter ECG. The physician has never known how long (how many days) to record the Holter ECG. Now the doctor can know every day what the ECG activity was, and each day the doctor can make a good decision to continue or terminate the ECG monitoring.
When the Hospital Wants Additional Beds of ECG Monitoring… the CardioVision Specs cannot be matched for PDA and Holter Unique Features: WiFi battery life of up to 48-hours. PDA/Smart Phone is unique for remote displays of Alarms, and is the cost efficient mode for bedside monitors. The real Holter ECG capability updated each minute is unique. The competitors cannot match your specs for Tenders; thus, sell the hospital on listing the CardioVision specs.
When the Hospital is buying a new Holter system… The CardioVision has completely re-defined what a modern Holter system should be. The competitors are Obsolete. Hospital Holter systems record in-patients and out-patients. For in-patients, no Holter system comes close to the CardioVision capability of high quality WiFi real- time ECG monitoring. For out-patients, no Holter system comes close to the CardioVision for including the Home Internet Satellite 24-hour ECG capability. Thus, no competitor can match the CV specs.