Lecture IntentLecture Intent Explore the structure and operations of multi- organizational implementation systems Focus analytical attention on the ‘macro’ level of these systems - Policy Fields Share two descriptive tools useful for professionals and students Consider Policy Fields in Research Providing description of context: program technology or services organizations as unit of analysis Topic of investigation: policy field as unit of analysis
Institutional structure of New Governance Intergovernmental relations Internationally rise of private agencies carrying out public policy Government – nonprofit relationships Rise of organizational networks in State regimes Three ways of analyzing them Rise of complex, adaptive systems which require new constructs, models, and methods of analysis
Network Analysis focus on Structure: Centrality GHIJ D C BF E A
Network Analysis focus on Structure: Density GHIJ D C BF E A
Network Analysis: Quality of Inter Org. Relations Cooperation Coordination Collaboration Partnership ReAlignment Training Educational Briefings Share ‘intelligence’ Alignment of Activities Legislative Commission Joint planning to capitalize on distinct roles & establish new responsibilities Joint actions Co-created services or administration Co-location Shared Funding Informal Formal Changes to organizational structure or governance Merger, subsidiary, LLC etc.
Implementation: Interest in Nature of Network Ties Functional Attention in relation to Program Technology: “Resources exchanges deemed of value to implementation processes…… obviously the quality of relationship might be an important explanatory factor” Money or formal mechanisms “Government Tools” Services Referrals, co-production Information / Content “Informal” ties Implementation Resources
“Tools” of Public Action“Tools” of Public Action Direct Tools Direct government Government corporations Economic regulations Direct Loans Indirect Tools Social regulation Contracting Loans & guarantees Grants Tax expenditures Fees and Charges Vouchers
Implementation ResourcesImplementation Resources “Individuals or organization that can help implementing units learn about policy, best practices for doing policy, or professional reforms meant to change the character of services delivered….” (Hill, 2003: 269)
Simple, Multi-level ModelSimple, Multi-level Model Policy Fields Program technology Organization Program technology Front line Program technology
New construct: Policy Fields / “Policy Subsystems” ….bounded networks among organizations carrying out a substantive policy and program area, such as homeland security, health care, or food assistance, which emerge in a particular place and time.
Institutions involved in policy fieldsInstitutions involved in policy fields TypesConventional rolesActive roles Public AgenciesRespond to laws, create administrative rules Policy field design PhilanthropiesInvest in fundsCommission studies, provide implementation resources, Fund intermediary organizations to build implementation capacity Nonprofit or Private Service providers Respond to contractual opportunities Attend field meetings to share and learn from other Purveyors or Intermediary Organizations Respond to requests for programmatic and management training Develop field networks, enable partnership development, financial support, share implementation resources Research or Evaluation firmsRespond to request for formal studies Provide technical support for implementation resources
Policy Field Audit: Descriptive analytical questions Which organizations have an interest in this policy or program? Which have power to make change related to it? Where does administrative authority lie? What laws or initiatives establish the policy or funding? What policy tools are in use that invest public resources? What other implementation resources are in use? What consequences do each have in the a) operations of the network; b) sense-making at that level of the implementation system (this strategic action field)
Visual Mapping Major Structures in Policy Fields
National State Regional Local Energy Assistance Policy Field in Minnesota, 2008
Local State Federal Administration for Children & Families (US Department of Health & Human Services) Center on Budget & Policy Priorities Center for Law & Social Policy Minnesota Department of Human Services Association of Minnesota Counties Membership: Social service administrators Minnesota Workforce Council MN Legislature Includes legislative committees that in/directly influences MFIP, such as: Health and Human Services committee Budget & policy committee Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development Counties & County Consortiums Total: 76 Employment Service Providers includes tribal providers, Total: 41 “Prosperity for All” Advocacy Campaign Includes members active in MFIP-related issues, such as: Legal Services Advocacy Project Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless Legend Federal-level organization State-level organization Advocacy organization Local organization Direct relationship (policy and programming influence, resources/funding) Indirect relationship (policy and programming influence)
Local Counties & County Consortiums Total: 76 Employment Service Providers includes tribal providers Total: 41 The relationships between counties/county consortiums and employment service providers vary significantly in Minnesota. Provider 4 D Provider 5 Count y D Provider 4 C Count y C Count y B Provider 2 Provider 3 Provider 4 B Count y A Provider 1 Provider 4 Some counties have contracts with a single ES provider. Some counties have contracts with multiple ES providers… …and some ES providers have contracts in many counties. Provider 6 Consortium E Cty E1 Cty E2 Cty E4 Cty E3 Some counties form a consortium, and work with the same contracted ES provider as a group. Count y F And….some counties operate ES programs themselves.
New Models: Systems Dynamics Modeling
N PF L PF M PF Policy Fields Program technology PF B PF N O1 L O1 M O1 Organization Program technology O1 B O1 N F1 L F1 M F1 Front line Program technology F1 B F1 N O2 L O2 M O2 Organization Program technology O2 B O2 N F2 L F2 M F2 Front line Program technology F2 B F2 New Methods: Dynamics within a Complex System
Future Directions for Research on Multi-Organization Implementation Structures Description of implementation context What institutions, laws, relationships are important in shaping the operational program technology in that place? (e.g. what has decided should be implemented) Variation in policy fields for same program/policy across settings Consequences for outputs/outcomes Changes in policy fields – who, what and how – over time