Star Super Surplus Insurance Policy Salient Features
Features Basically a regular Health insurance policy, available to persons between age group of 5 months to 60 yrs only Pricing advantage to customers by splicing the risky layer from the less risky layer Coverage advantage for customers as they can have wider protection at a lesser price.
Contd.. Policy covers hospitalization expenses for sickness/illness/accidental injuries Minimum 24 hrs hospitalization –MUST Limit for room rent fixed at Rs4000 per day No cap for ICU No cap for medicines/drugs
Contd… No cap for diagnostics/ doctors fees Definition of hospital-no change from Medi- Classic No day-care procedures Pre Hospitalisation expenses are not covered Post Hospitalisation Expenses are 7% of the total admissible claim, excl. room rent subject to a max. of Rs.30000/-
Exclusions 30 days for sickness/illness First two year exclusions Pre-Existing Diseases (covers after 3 yrs of continuous renewal with us, without break) Congenital Diseases Non-Allopathic treatments All other exclusions applicable for Medi-Classic
Contd…. The cover under the policy triggers when the PER hospitalization expenses (excluding Pre and Post) exceeds Rs & Rs depending upon the deductible opted by the insured for Rs & Rs policy respectively Any expenses exceeding deductible would be recoverable as per the terms of this policy
Contd …. The following options are available Sl.NoScheme Sum Insured Rs. Deductible Rs. Premium Excl. ST 1Individual Individual Individual Family Floater Family Floater Under Floater Policy, the family size shall be a max. of 2A + 2C only i.e., Self, Spouse & 2 Dependent Children. The Max. age of the dependent children should not be more than 25 yrs and should be economically dependent on the parents
AgeMedi- classic 3 lacs Super surplus 7 lacs Total 10 lacs Classic 10 lacs 5m to to to to to (5 lacs)
The sum insured is the maximum limit of liability under the policy. Even if the family size is less than 2A + 2C the same premium will apply. No Provision for inclusion & deletion of persons during the currency of the policy Contd….
FAQs X has no health insurance policy at all. Can X take this policy? Yes. There is no need to have a basic policy at all. But in the event of any hospitalisation expenses up-to Rs / Rs will have to be borne by X
FAQs…. X has an individual policy for Rs He has been continuously insuring with another Company for 7 yrs. Can X take this insurance? What will be his benefit? X can take this policy Any one hospitalization expenses up-to Rs300000/ Rs will be borne by X Since X has been continuously insuring for 7 yrs the 30 days exclusion / and first two yr exclusion will not apply in his case. HOWEVER ALL PED WOULD NOT BE COVERED.
Contd…. X has a family floater policy for Rs He wants to cover a) Himself for the first option of Rs b) Cover himself, his spouse and dependent children each for Rs YES. HE CAN TAKE COVER FOR HIMSELF AND THE ENTIRE FAMILY-BUT COVER IS ON INDIVIDUAL BASIS AND NOT FAMILY FLOATER.
COntd… X has a policy with another Company for Rs The cost of hospitalization for treatment of some disease works out to Rs What is the amount payable under this policy? Will Contribution condition apply? The other Company’s policy would offer protection up-to Rs and the remaining can be recovered from Super Surplus Insurance Policy.
Contd… Can the policy be given to some one who is already STAR customer? Yes. We can offer this cover to our existing customers.