Case 1
Basic clinical data 84-year-old female with abdominal tumor Gynecological operation (hysterectomy-“hypoplastic uterus“) in 1942 Nullipara, probably nulligravida
Gross view: Our case: 7x2,5x2,5 cm Gray to brownish on cut surface
More data Tumor of the „ovary 13x11x9 cm was disclosed during operation No structures resembling Fallopian tube Tumor was CD99++, melan A + CK 20 -, thyrozinase -, S100 – Diagnosis of sex-cord tumor, probably Leydig cell origin was established
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Lizzard Eremias spec.
Sertoli cell adenoma in patient with androgen insensitivity syndrome Our tumor: Sertoli cell adenoma in patient with androgen insensitivity syndrome
Androgen insensitivity sy (Testicular feminization sy) 46XY, female phenotype, testicles presented in different positions (abdominal, inguinal or „labial“ position) Normal secretion of androgens. Abnormal function of androgen receptors in organs Müllerian derived structures are absent (however Fallopian tubes are rarely present) Spermiogenesis disapeared in early childhood Familiar trait was descripted Complete AIS-The most frequent reason for male pseudohermafroditism
Inkomplete AIS In partial resistance for androgenes Spectrum from slight „masculinisation“ of female-type of external genitalia, through virilisation, or undifferentiated extrenal genitalia in patients with male-type phenotype (Reifenstein sy) to fully masculine individuals with infertility or gynecomastia.
Androgen insensitivity sy (Testicular feminization sy) The most common form, complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (testicular feminization), results from mutations in the gene for the androgen receptor.This gene is located at Xq11-Xq12, and hence this disorder is inherited as an X-linked recessive.
Androgen insensitivity sy (Testicular feminization sy) Hypothalamus haven´t androgen receptors and increase level of LH Stimulation of Leydig cells increase level of androgens and estrogens Androgen reseptors are non-functional female phenotype of external genitalia and female-type of breast parenchyma Hamartomas composed of solid tubules from Sertoli and Leydig cells. Eventual occurence of malignant germ cell tumors (particularly seminoma)
The most frequent types of tumors within AIS Hamartomas composed of tubules with Sertoli cells lined by Leydig cells Sertoli cell adenoma-typically composed of solid uniform tubules Less frequently germinal tumors (app 9%) Rarely malignant sex cord tumors
Sertoli Cell Adenoma Size 0.5-14 cm, age range 17-53 years Grossly: solid, usually tan, dark yellow Tumor composed of solid elongated „tubules“ Close relationship to „Sex cord tumor with annulars tubules“ Sertli cell adenomas are usually uniform, however „sarcomatoid-like“ variants exist
Differential diagnostics: Sertoli cell tumor Sex cord tumor with annulars tubules
Sertoli cell tumor Less than 1% of testicular tumors, 15% in children-frequently connected with Peutz-Jeghers syndroma Well-circumscribed, lobular, tan to grey
Large cell calcifying Sertoli cell tumor 5-44 years, relationship to different tumors (cardial myxoma, pituitar adenoma, Leydig cell tumor,..) Frequently multifocal and bilateral Yellowish, tan with grossly visible calcifications Usually benign, however malignant counterpart was published
Sex cord tumor with annular tubules 1/3 associated with Peutz-Jeghers sy Features resembling Sertoli cell tumor Tumor associated with PJ sy usually multifocal, bilateral and small, usually benign behavior Otherwise solitáry, up to 22% are malignant Wolfian adnexal tumor-this is not sex cord tu-solid or cystic, tubules composed of clear cells (formerly mesonefric origin x clear cell ca). CK7, androgeny, E+P, inhibin, vimentin +
Differential diagnostics should exclude also: Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor (arrhenoblastoma, androblastoma):0,1% of ovarian tumors, subtypes (Meyer I-III according differentiation), pure Sertoli cell tumor, with heterologous elements and retiform