Microsoft Excel Online Learning
What is Excel? Microsoft PowerPoint is for Presentations Microsoft Word is for Text, Writing, and Typing Papers Microsoft Excel is for Numbers, Equations and Functions
Excel Spreadsheet Filled with little boxes Cells Columns A, B, C, D, etc. Up and Down Rows 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. Side to Side Cell G13
Differences in Toolbars Merge and Center, $, %, Increase and Decrease Decimal, and AutoSum Button Function (Fx) Window
What can Be Included in a Cell? Type everything in the Function (Fx) Window Text Numbers Equations* Functions* May also include pictures on top of a spreadsheet
Equations and Functions ALWAYS start with an equal = sign Equations and Functions we will be using Addition (Sum), Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Average, Minimum/Maximum Number
Ways to put in Equations or Functions = + - * / on the side number keypad Typing Equation in by selecting the Cells Example : =B12+C11 or =A7-A6 Auto Sum Key Funny Looking E Key On Standard Toolbar
Be Patient Many of you don’t know MicroSoft Excel Don’t get frustrated, be patient and ask for help.
Assignment Today Basic layout of information dealing with toolbars Basic Function Tomorrow Auto Fill Absolute Cell
TODAY Discuss some more details of Excel Auto Fill Absolute Cell
Auto Fill Automatic way to Copy and Paste Fill in Numbers, Text, Formatting or Equations and Functions Small box in lower right hand corner
Absolute Cell When you are doing a Math Equation and you want to use the same cell for multiple equation. Use $ For Example $B$19
Use It These will be hard to understand until you use them. We will go over the assignment together.