Programme SIPR and European networks Nick Fyfe, Director, SIPR Overview of H2020 research funding Neil Stewart, Research & Innovation Services, University of Dundee A successful H2020 funding application: "Enhancing cooperation between law enforcement agencies and citizens - Community policing" Megan O'Neill (University of Dundee) & Liz Aston (Edinburgh Napier) 14.30The European Police College and H2020: key insights from a recent workshop Tim Heilbronn, Business & KT Manager, SIPR 15.00Discussion Groups on Security Theme
Policing Research in an Era of Reform
SIPR: supporting ‘research mindedness’ in Scottish policing’
SIPR Connections : Scotland SIPR Scottish Police Authority HMICS Audit Scotland Scottish Centre for Crime & Justice Research Scottish Government Police Scotland Scottish Parliament PIRC
Policing Research in Scotland: The drivers of change Infra-structure… a shared platform Investment… in new, relevant research Innovation…. in knowledge exchange Internationality… placing Scottish policing in a global context Impact … on processes, policy and practice
SIPR Connections : UK & International SIPR ESC Center for Evidence Based Crime Policy (US) What Works Centre for Crime Reduction FBI National Academy (Europe) College of Policing EPIC British Society for Evidence Based Policing CEPOL Centre for Excellence in Policing & Security (Australia)
EPIC (European Police Institutes Collaboration) SIPR Police Academy of the Netherlands; Norwegian Police University College; Police College of Finland; Centre for Police Studies, University of Uppsala, Sweden; Centre for Security and Policing Studies, University of Ghent; Universities Police Science Institute, Cardiff; Manchester University Business School; University of Porto and Portuguese Police Academy Portugal; Estonian Police College.
CEPOL (European Police College) Research and Science Working Group with membership from all EU states; Facilitative role for research collaborations; Provides opportunities for KE at European level via webinars, workshops and conferences etc; CEPOL lecturer, trainer and researcher database; CEPOL E- Library
European Society of Criminology Policing Working Group To facilitate the networking of scholars and practitioners interested in the study of police organisations and policing To open up and develop lines of communication and cooperation between nationally-based research centres, institutes and academies with policing-related interests and activities To act as a hub through which scholars, practitioners and the policy community can collaborate productively together (e.g. through the development of comparative research programmes, knowledge transfer events, visiting scholarships/fellowships, or joint teaching and continuing professional development ventures)
Core activities to date Themed panel sessions at the annual meeting Joint publications stemming from sessions – books and special issues of journals European Journal of Police Studies Pre-conferences involving scholars and local practitioners All contribute to a sustained focus on policing within an international academic conference & enhances its profile
Trans-Atlantic Connections SIPR & GMU Centre for Evidence Based Crime Policy