Portuguese Educational System Europemix project - Comenius Program 2012 2014
Preschool Education √ For children aged 3 to 6. √ It is optional, public preschools are free – not paid. Children can attend public or private preschools. Portugal
Portuguese School System Type of training Age General 6 - 18 Artistic >18 Vocational Adult education Portugal
Portuguese School System Cycles Grades Age 1st 1st – 4th 6-10 2nd 5th – 6th 10-12 3rd 7th – 9th 12-15 Secondary 10th – 12th 16-18 www.min-edu.pt Portugal
1st cycle (Students aged 6 to 9) √ Basic skills in Portuguese Language, Mathematics, social studies, arts and crafts are taught by a specific teacher. There is a curricular teacher per class. √ Subjects such as physical education, music and ICT are taught by specialized teachers within the curricular time – teachers peer work. (Madeira Island) √ In Madeira full time schools also offer English Language Teaching in the extracurricular activities. Portugal
2nd and 3rd cycle (Students aged 11 to 15) √ 2nd cycle – classes are organized by subjects and multidisciplinary areas of study. √ 3rd cycle – teaching is organized by subjects. √ Compulsory teaching of English (2nd and 3rd cycle) and French (3rd cycle). There are several teachers specialised in different subjects and areas. √ The students are obliged to do external assessment in Maths and Portuguese (the so called National Exams). Portugal
Scientific-humanistic Professional training Secondary Education Types of courses Grades Age Scientific-humanistic 10th, 11th,12th 15-18 Artistic Professional training Vocational Back-to-school Portugal
Secondary Education √ Students who want to go to University (Higher Education) would attend scientific-humanistic courses. √ Secondary students have to take internal and external assessment. Portugal
Non-Curricular activities √ Personal and social training: ❀ Citizenship; Health education; ☺ Road safety education; ✏ Financial education and media literacy; ☮ Religious and ethical education; ✄ Entrepreneurship and consumer education Portugal Portugal
Health Education Food Education in Madeira Island Schools: ☺ Healthy food habits; Rede Bufetes Escolares Saudáveis Project (Healthy Schools Snack - Bars Menus Network Project) Portugal
Bibliography . Diário da Républica, 1ª série – Nº 120 – 5 de julho de 2012. . Diário da Républica, 1ª série Nº 131 – 10 julho de 2013. . Diário da Républica 1ª série Nº 237 – 14 de outubro de 1986. . www.min-edu.pt