Online Multiplayer Games and the Culture that Plays Them 1 Online Multiplayer Games and the Culture that Plays them. Created and designed by Joseph S. Plavnicky
Online Multiplayer Games and the Culture that Plays Them 2 What Is Online Gaming? An online game can be any game which communicates through the internet, LAN networks, modems, or even . Any game that has more then 1 person playing together or against each other is a multiplayer game. Many online games come directly from PC’s.
Online Multiplayer Games and the Culture that Plays Them 3 Types of Games Some games are competitive. Other games are co-operative. Many games are both. Some examples of these games are Guild Wars, Travian, Adventure Quest, World of WarCraft, StarCraft, etc. Guild WarsTravianAdventure QuestWorld of WarCraft StarCraft
Online Multiplayer Games and the Culture that Plays Them 4 A Brief History of Online Gaming In 1993 Doom was released with death match capabilities for the PC. This was the birth of modern Online Gaming. Before Doom computers used modems and hardwires in order to compete against others. During the 6 th generation of console gaming, the Sega DreamCast was released with the first internet capabilities for a console system.
Online Multiplayer Games and the Culture that Plays Them 5 Within the last 5 years online multiplayer games have expanded dramatically on consoles and on PC’s. Four games within the last five years have redefined online gaming. Halo 2 & 3 Gears of War World of WarCraft
Online Multiplayer Games and the Culture that Plays Them 6 Each of those games has active subscribers ranging from several hundred thousand for Halo 2 and Gears of War, to over 8 million active players for World of WarCraft (largest amount of people playing any 1 game in Western society) As the technology to compete online has improved new problems have arisen.
Online Multiplayer Games and the Culture that Plays Them 7 Problems With Gaming As online multiplayer games have grown in popularity there is a growing risk of obsession and over use. Earlier this year a Mr.Lee from South Korea died after heart failure following a 50 hour marathon gaming binge of StarCraft.Mr.Lee Many people who grow addicted to online gaming forgo family and friends in order to get more time in for their games.
Online Multiplayer Games and the Culture that Plays Them 8 Statistics of Gamers From research done by the ESA (Entertainment Software Association) the average male spends 7.6 hours a week playing games while women spend 7.4 hours a week.ESA Following that they also made mention that most gamers actually triple that time in what they volunteer to the community or work out. The ESA found that roughly 94% of gamers keep on top of current events and read books regularly.
Online Multiplayer Games and the Culture that Plays Them 9 Benefits of/from Gamers Many gamers volunteer their time to help their communities. Many gamers constantly read for fun or to know more information about their games. Childs Play Charity was formed by two gamers who were fed up with the bad reputation gamers normally receive.Childs Play Charity
Online Multiplayer Games and the Culture that Plays Them 10 Gender of Gamers
Online Multiplayer Games and the Culture that Plays Them 11 Age of Gamers
Online Multiplayer Games and the Culture that Plays Them 12 Problems with the project While working on the videos one of the videos would not run no matter how I attempted to fix it. Bad internet connections at times limited how much info I could gather. Loading the applet took time to find the right one. Not enough caffeine while I was working the last few weeks. Stressing out over minor details till they were done. Getting the right colors for all the text.
Online Multiplayer Games and the Culture that Plays Them 13 Things learned from this project How to code multiple links in order to better organize the website. How to prioritize information How to remember passwords and crucial information
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