Introduction to the Missional Church Movement
The Contemporary Missional Story Lesslie Newbigin – Missionary to India – 1974 The Gospel & Our Culture Network – 1980’s – A network in North America that followed the work of Newbigin in Great Britain. David Bosch – Transforming Mission – 1991 – became a key text for missional theology & the missional movement – a missiologist. Missio Dei – The mission of God. Lesslie Newbigin – Missionary to India – 1974 The Gospel & Our Culture Network – 1980’s – A network in North America that followed the work of Newbigin in Great Britain. David Bosch – Transforming Mission – 1991 – became a key text for missional theology & the missional movement – a missiologist. Missio Dei – The mission of God.
The Contemporary Missional Story Kennon Callahan – Effective Church Leadership – The day of the professional minister is over. The day of the missionary pastor has come. – The day of the churched culture is over. The day of the mission field has come. – The day of the local church is over. The day of the mission outpost has come. Kennon Callahan – Effective Church Leadership – The day of the professional minister is over. The day of the missionary pastor has come. – The day of the churched culture is over. The day of the mission field has come. – The day of the local church is over. The day of the mission outpost has come.
The Contemporary Missional Story Missional Church – edited by Darrell Guder – This book is the foundational work for the missional movement in North America. The Shaping of Things to Come – Innovation & Mission For the 21 st –Century Church – Michael Frost & Alan Hirsch Missional Church – edited by Darrell Guder – This book is the foundational work for the missional movement in North America. The Shaping of Things to Come – Innovation & Mission For the 21 st –Century Church – Michael Frost & Alan Hirsch
The Contemporary Missional Story Is this nothing more than the latest church fad? Is missional just a new name for the same old evangelism strategies? Is missional nothing more than community ministries? Is this nothing more than the latest church fad? Is missional just a new name for the same old evangelism strategies? Is missional nothing more than community ministries?
“The rise of the missional church is the single biggest development in Christianity since the Reformation.” “The rise of the missional church is the single biggest development in Christianity since the Reformation.” (Missional Renaissance – Reggie McNeal - page xiii.)
Contextualization We must learn to exegete scripture & the cultural context
Missional congregations learn to read a context. The church will always seek to engage the context wherever it is located. The Missional Church in Context Craig Van Gelder
Missional congregations anticipate new insights into the Gospel. The very act of translating the gospel into new local languages often opens up fresh understandings regarding its meaning. The Missional Church in Context Craig Van Gelder
Missional congregations anticipate reciprocity Those who take the gospel into another context are often changed by those who have received the gospel. The Missional Church in Context Craig Van Gelder
Missional congregations understand that they are contextual and thus are unique. No congregation can serve as a model for others because every context is different. The Missional Church in Context Craig Van Gelder
Missional congregations understand that ministry is always contextual & thus also practical. Missional congregations develop specific practices for their context. There can be no common program that works the same in every context. The Missional Church in Context Craig Van Gelder
Missional congregations understand that doing theology is always contextual, & thus also perspectival. There can be no universal confession/creed: every congregation needs to learn how to translate & confess the faith in its particular context. The Missional Church in Context Craig Van Gelder
Missional congregations understand that organization is always contextual, and thus also provisional. In reality, there can be no standardized polity. Polity needs to focus on guiding principles rather than prescribed practices, because polities need to be adaptive & flexible. The Missional Church in Context Craig Van Gelder
A Clear Picture of Current Reality.
“In a London school a teenager with no church connections hears the Christmas story for the first time. His teacher tells it well and he is fascinated by this amazing story. Risking his friends’ mockery, after the lesson he thanks her for the story. One thing had disturbed him, so he asks: ‘why did they give the baby a swear word for his name?” Post-Christendom by Stuart Murray
Post-Christendom Christendom was the period that started with Constantine where the Christian church was moved to the center of culture & society.
A Few Characteristics of Post- Christendom From the Christian church being at the center of society & culture to the church being pushed to the margins. From Christians being the majority to a minority. From settler/citizens who are comfortable & at home in society to exiled pilgrims who are uncomfortable and alienated. From the Christian church being at the center of society & culture to the church being pushed to the margins. From Christians being the majority to a minority. From settler/citizens who are comfortable & at home in society to exiled pilgrims who are uncomfortable and alienated.
A Few Characteristics of Post- Christendom From a position of privilege to plurality. From institutional mode back to a movement. From a position of privilege to plurality. From institutional mode back to a movement.
A Few Characteristics of Post- Christendom The church in Christendom was built on an attractional rather than missional model. Many in the Christian sub-culture are fighting to “take back” their place in culture. An increasing number of people are being turned off by the Christian sub-culture.Why? The church in Christendom was built on an attractional rather than missional model. Many in the Christian sub-culture are fighting to “take back” their place in culture. An increasing number of people are being turned off by the Christian sub-culture.Why?
“A missional church is the hope of the post-Christendom era.” “A missional church is the hope of the post-Christendom era.” (The Shaping of Things to Come – Innovation & Mission for the 21 st – Century Church by Michael Frost & Alan Hirsch)
Post-Modernity “The church must embody the gospel within the culture of Postmodernity for the Western church to survive the 21 st century.” (Emerging Churches by Eddie Gibbs & Ryan Bolger, page 17) “The church must embody the gospel within the culture of Postmodernity for the Western church to survive the 21 st century.” (Emerging Churches by Eddie Gibbs & Ryan Bolger, page 17)
Post-Modernity is not an enemy to be attacked
A Few Postmodern Values
“Postmoderns feel comfortable mixing elements of what have traditionally been considered incompatible belief systems.” A Primer On Postmodernism
Pop Culture Teaches Values Views on alcohol consumption. Views on the legalization of recreational drugs. Views on appropriate language. Views on sexuality. Views about God and spirituality. Views on alcohol consumption. Views on the legalization of recreational drugs. Views on appropriate language. Views on sexuality. Views about God and spirituality. A Primer On Postmodernism
“The central hallmark of postmodern cultural expression is pluralism.” A Primer On Postmodernism
Postmodernism as the end of the “Metanarrative.” A Primer On Postmodernism
“Today we are challenged to live out our Christian commitment in the midst of a culture and to proclaim the gospel to a generation that is increasingly postmodern in its thinking.” “Our gospel must address the human person within the context of the communities in which people are embedded.” “Today we are challenged to live out our Christian commitment in the midst of a culture and to proclaim the gospel to a generation that is increasingly postmodern in its thinking.” A Primer on Postmodernism by Stanley Grenz, page 167 “Our gospel must address the human person within the context of the communities in which people are embedded.” (Primer, page 169)
The Gospel & the Postmodern Context “Evangelicalism shares close ties with modernity. A child of the Reformation, pietism, & revivalism, the evangelical movement was born in the early modern period. And North American evangelicalism reached maturity in the mid-twentieth century – at the height of the modern era.” A Primer on Postmodernism
A Post-Individualistic Gospel Our faith is highly social. What people want to see are a people who live out the gospel in wholesome, authentic, and healing relationships. We invite others to become participants in the community of those whose highest loyalty is the God revealed in Christ. We work together for a whole and healed world. It’s about more than just me. A Primer On Postmodernism
A Post-Rationalistic Gospel It’s not anti intellectual but reason isn’t the only thing. Intuition and experience are important. Mystery is embraced. We will no longer focus on propositions as the central content of Christian faith. It’s more than just a system of beliefs that are right. A Primer On Postmodernism
Mystery is embraced. A Primer On Postmodernism
A Post-Dualistic Gospel In post-modernity saving “souls” is not the only or even the main concern. We are interested in the human person as a unified whole. Our identity includes being in relationship with others, with God, with nature, and with ourselves. A Primer On Postmodernism
Soul vs. Body Sacred vs. Secular A Primer On Postmodernism
A Post-Noeticentric Gospel The goal of our existence encompasses more than just the accumulation of knowledge. Knowledge is good only when it facilitates a good result. We refuse to allow commitment to Christ to remain merely in intellectual endeavor, a matter solely of assent to orthodox propositions. A Primer On Postmodernism
The Christian gospel is concerned not only with the reformulation of our intellectual commitments but also with the transformation of our character and the renewal of our entire lives. A Primer On Postmodernism
Orthodoxy must lead to Orthopraxy. We encourage people to believe in Jesus and to also follow the “way” of Jesus. A Primer On Postmodernism
Experiential It is one thing to talk about God. It is quite another thing to experience God. 32% of all stripes of regular churchgoers have never experienced God’s presence in worship. It is one thing to talk about God. It is quite another thing to experience God. 32% of all stripes of regular churchgoers have never experienced God’s presence in worship. Postmodern Pilgrims
Participatory Interactive Let people complete the sentence for themselves. Have people do something. Dialogue Interactive Let people complete the sentence for themselves. Have people do something. Dialogue Postmodern Pilgrims
Image-Driven Story and metaphor are now at the heart of spirituality. Visual language Visual images Story and metaphor are now at the heart of spirituality. Visual language Visual images Postmodern Pilgrims
A Primer On Postmodernism
Connected Community A safe group of people to share life with. Build relationships of trust and intimacy. Love To know and to be known. Community A safe group of people to share life with. Build relationships of trust and intimacy. Love To know and to be known. Postmodern Pilgrims