Fifth Amendment Guarantees due process of law and the use of a grand jury for serious crimes, prohibits double jeopardy and self-incrimination, and protects against the seizures of private property without just compensation.
The fifth Amendment refers that any suspect of crime, has the right to a trial, with evidence and witnesses. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without the indictment of a Grand Jury. The right to a due process that protects the individual from arbitrary actions of public officials. The fifth amendment it also refers to not be charged double for the same offense.
My personal connection to the fifth amendment encourages my participation in the American political process in the way the all natural right hold that all human beings are created equal and shall not be treated differently just for his religion, ethnicity, color or race. And the Bill of Rights has been able to be interpreted to allow for equality and social justice.
INDIVIDUAL FREEDOMS In particular these amendment ensures that any individual have a trial that will give the opportunity to prove guilty or innocent verdict form the Grand jury. Persecutors should bring all type of incriminating evidence against the suspect and the suspect also has the right to present witnesses in his favor, these procedures will make sure that no innocent person be charged guilty with not enough proofs of his guiltiness.
Citations Reuters, Thomas. “Fifth Amendment- Rights of Persons.” FindLaw for Legal Professionals ution/amendment05/ Tannahill, R. Neal. Think: American Government. Pearson Education, 2011.