Writing Goals and Performance Objectives If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there. Lewis Carroll
Goals are... broad statements of end results.
For example... By the end of this course each student will be a better instructor.
Good goals are... realistic obtainable based on the student’s aspirations clearly stated to students repeated throughout the course of instruction
Performance objectives are... specific statements of student competency as a result of training.
Good Performance Objectives are... linked to specific behavior clear and concise are observable are measurable relevant to the instruction microcosms of the related goal (see rules for good goals)
Objectives consist of three main components Performance –What will the students do? Condition –Under what conditions will the students perform? Criteria –How well with the students perform?
By the end of this unit, each student will describe the three components that are included in a performance objective, without error. Using their notes list as discussed in class Given the tools required, the student will connect all required cables without assistance. Using a wiring diagramselect In less than 1 minute Subtle wording changes can drastically change an objective
There are three primary types of performance objectives Cognitive –knowledge and information related behavior Psychomotor –hands-on, doing behavior Affective –attitudes, values, feeling, belief-related behavior
Examples of Performance Objectives Cognitive By the end of this lesson, each student will describe the three main components of a performance objective with 100% accuracy. Given a list of 10 performance objectives, each student will classify them as to the domain that they address with 80% accuracy.
Examples of Performance Objectives Psychomotor By the end of this lesson, given a topic, each student will write valid objectives that contain each of the three main components of a performance objective meeting all criteria discussed in class. Given a class of 10 students, the instructor trainee will teach a lesson that addresses each of the objectives listed in the company training guide, according to all standards discussed in class.
Examples of Performance Objectives Affective By the end of this course, each student will realize the need to write valid performance objectives as evidenced by consistent use of performance objectives in all future teaching assignments. Following a discussion on lesson planning, each participant will advocate the use of computer- processed lesson plans each time they advise new instructors.