What are the types of rocks? Obsidian sphere There are different types of rocks, and they are: Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic
How are Rocks formed? Igneous rocks are formed from heated magma either underground or above ground. Sedimentary rocks are formed from sediments being collided. Metamorphic rocks are made because sedimentary or igneous rocks are under tons and tons of pressure, which fosters heat, builds up, and this causes them to change. Conglomerate
What are rocks used in? Rocks are used in many things. Some things are: Lead Aluminum zinc Iron Copper Clay Salt Stone Sand Gravel Cement Sandstone
How do I identify rocks? Igneous rocks are tough, frozen melts with little texture or layering; mostly black, white and/or gray minerals which may look like granite or like lava. Sedimentary rocks are hardened sediment with sandy or claylike layers mostly brown to gray; may have fossils and water or wind marks. Metamorphic rocks are tough, with straight or curved layers of light and dark minerals various colors, often glittery with mica. Shale
Where are rocks located? Igneous rocks are found near volcanoes Sedimentary rocks are found at places that had water at one point of time. Metamorphic rocks are found deep underground where there is intense heat and pressure. Gneiss