CALEA: The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act Doug Carlson, Executive Director, Communications and Computing Services, NYU Mark Luker, Vice President, EDUCAUSE Nancy Tribbensee, Associate Vice President for Legal Affairs, ASU Wendy Wigen - Moderator
What is CALEA? CALEA is the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act. It was originally enacted in It requires providers of commercial voice services to engineer their networks in such a way as to assist law enforcement agencies in executing wiretap orders. Until August 5, 2005 that is…..
CALEA: New Report and Order On August 5, 2005, in response to a request by law enforcement, the FCC voted to extend CALEA to include facilities-based Internet service providers. Facilities-based Internet service providers are defined as: "entities that provide transmission or switching over their own facilities between the end user and the Internet Service Provider."
Arguments for/against extending CALEA to ISPs Law Enforcement The Internet is increasingly the communication of choice for criminal activity Legal intercepts need to be easier and less expensive for LE An “exempt” system is a magnet for criminal activity Education and Libraries Congress should decide not the FCC or DoJ LE has sufficient access now Cost to comply can’t be justified Will slow innovation
Two Part Decision Part #1: Decided: CALEA does apply to ISPs and all facilities-based Internet service providers are covered. Full compliance is required in 18 months.. Part #2: Still to be decided: What will be required (standards of compliance) and will there be an “special cases” allowed (i.e. small rural providers or education and research networks).
Currently underway 1.Petition for Review with the Federal Court of Appeals 2.Comments to the FCC on “Part #2” of the CALEA ruling 3.Continued negotiations with the DoJ on a compromise position.
Current Proposal: Single point-of-contact Standard procedures established 24x7 assistance available Personnel trained in procedural, legal and technical demands of assisting legal intercepts. Some gateway equipment would be replaced, but only under the normal replacement cycle
CALEA Tech Group Doug Carlson (Chair), NYU Mark Luker: EDUCAUSE liaison Pete Siegel, UIUC Mike Corn, UIUC Clair Goldsmith, UT System Wayne Wedemeyer, UT Austin David Walker, UCOP Shaun Abshere, WiscNet Ron Johnson, ARENs Eric Boyd, Internet2
How might a request work? LawfulAuthorization Law Enforcement Telecommunication Service Provider Service Provider Administration (Turn on Lawful Intercept feature of switch) Delivery Function Collection Function Access Function Law Enforcement Administration (Switch collects Lawful Intercept data) (Securely deliver information to LEA) (Order generated)
CALEA FAQ Where can I find out more? Educause AskCALEA FCC Selected vendor information “Cisco Service Independent Intercept Architecture” (sign on required to access on Cisco web site) RFC 3924 –